Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Juan Navarro García, in May. 2016
Dismiss is a term used to indicate that a request or proposal has been denied or has not been taken into consideration. Its use is widely extended in the administrative field, and especially in the legal field, where cases, requests or lawsuits are dismissed.
In the field of human relations, dismissing implies lack of Dear towards another person.
Judicial dismissal
A dismissal is only the file of a case when it is clearly demonstrated that it does not constitute a crime or there is a legal impediment to its proper development.
There is no specific moment for the dismissal in a judicial process, but rather, it is apparently left to the judge or court, who can make the decision own motive or upon request of one of the parties.
Among the legal consequences of dismissal is the fact that a dismissed case cannot in any way appear among a person's criminal record. Furthermore, the implications of the dismissal may differ depending on the type of case in question.
Reasons for dismissing a lawsuit
In a procedure civil the causes of a rejection can have different origins. Among the most common reasons for dismissing a demand they are usually the following:
The technical failure
If during the claim process there have been technical errors whose relevance prevents the court from being able to carry out its work in accordance with the law, then the judge can dismiss the claim if he thinks fit. An example of this could be that the summons were not served on the defendants within the deadlines established or that the claim was filed in a court that does not have jurisdiction to judge that type of cases.
The plaintiff himself asks to dismiss the case
This is usually the reason more common in most dismissals. There may be multiple reasons for the plaintiff to adopt this measure, but generally it is related to the adoption of some type of settlement out of court or because the plaintiff needed to present the case before certain deadlines were met and thus managed to stretch them in the weather.
The dismissal as punishment of the judge towards the plaintiff
It is not exactly common, but it may be the case that due to the inappropriate behavior of the plaintiff during the trial, the court chooses to dismiss the claim as a form of sanction.
Photos: iStock - DmitriMaruta / sale123
Issues in Dismissing