Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2015
Kind and respectful behavior from everyone who interacts in a sports competition
Fair Play is a concept that is widely used in the sports field, being used to refer to that ideal behavior that must exist at the request of a competence sports and that implies cordial, friendly and respectful treatment for the opponents, for the referees and for any other actor who takes part in it.
In Spanish it is called fair play, because precisely those two words refer to this concept that comes from EnglishIn any case, its use has become so widespread that it is very common for the Anglo-Saxon concept to be used in our language.
Violence in sport, the main cause of the development of the proposal
Unfortunately, the violence has been a recurring behavior in the sport, especially in soccer. From the rival fans that face each other in the stadium stands to bloody confrontations in the departure from them, have tarnished many times around the world the party that should be celebrated in a meeting sports.
The example must start from the protagonists themselves
Meanwhile, this violence also has a lot to do with the behavior that the players, the coaches and many other individuals involved in the competition have. If a player hits, argues or has a conduct non-sports on the playing field that surely is transferred to the stands and multiplies.
Campaigns to promote Fair Play
Attentive then to this scourge is that the sports authorities, the various associations and also the organizations that bring them together, they imposed the behavior of Fair Play through awareness campaigns generally led by sports idols.
Nothing more convincing to spread a message of this type that rival teams leaving the changing rooms together and then, before starting the game, shaking hands and wishing each other luck.
In football, which, as we have already mentioned, violence on and off the field of play was very entrenched, there has been a great work in this regard and so today it is very common to observe behaviors such as those just recently in each game. mentioned.
Recover the value of gaming as entertainment
The leitmotif of Fair Play then is that everyone regain the desire to play with I respect to entertain and have fun. Of course, there are additional issues of great weight that surround the sport, millions of dollars at stake, advertising campaigns, among others. However, the proposal is that all this coexists in a framework of harmony and respect, that there is one hundred percent competition, that the player or team leave the entire field to win, but always with consideration for others.
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