Definition of gender violence
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2014
The concept ofviolencegender is relatively new and has tax in our language when naming, calling, that type of violence that one gender or sex exerts on the other, that is, the violent action of a man against a woman or vice versa. As a consequence, cases of violence by men against women are more common and reported, the concept that concerns us It is usually linked more to the violence that men precisely exert against women, usually partners, boyfriends, spouses.
This violence can be strictly physical, causing in the most serious cases severe injuries and even death, or also psychic, that is, being supported by verbal attacks and threats.
Now, it should be noted that gender-based violence, regardless of what sex is exercised against the other, has a presence every time most prominent in our society and undoubtedly constitutes one of the social scourges against which the most that has to be fought since the prevention and action, for example, raising awareness so that the aggressor is denounced beyond the fear or threats received and the bond that is maintained with him.
Undoubtedly, fear is one of the most prevalent issues in cases of gender violence and of course, it tends to paralyze the person who suffers it in every aspect and especially generates a fear extreme so that finally the woman or whoever does not report the attack and harassment.
Another important aspect that must be highlighted in this context is that it is very important in the framework of raising awareness and addressing the theme gender-based violence that makes it clear that the women affected are not guilty or responsible, and that of course they do not deserve that violent treatment, although, whoever mistreats them thus has exposed them and proposed. Because it is recurrent that those women or individuals who have been the object of gender violence express at some point their responsibility for having been attacked, because they did not do something that was asked or said. This is undoubtedly crazy and we must eradicate this thought so harmful and infamous.
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