Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Feb. 2011
A geriatricis a institution made up of doctors and nurses that deals exclusively with the care and treatment of elderly individuals.
When people advance in age, their state of health becomes much more fragile, from the physical to the mental, it will often require special and very precise care that sometimes family he is unable or unable to toast.
On the other hand, it may happen that the Elderly If you are alone, then, you decide to enter an institution of this type that will guarantee you dedicated care and attention 24 hours a day.
Also known as Retreat Center, Stay or Geriatric Residence, nursing homes, a good part of the time they become the solution of many individuals when they become dependent as a consequence of a disease or any other complication that they suffer and that also do not have the possibility of being cared for or treated at home and by their relatives.
On the other hand, it is also a reality in many cases that the doctor prescribes the geriatric as the place in which the adult patient should stay for their health and their
safety, something that many times cannot be achieved in the patient's home if he does not have suitable personnel dedicated to caring for him.Generally, nursing homes operate in large houses, with one, two, or more floors, which are They are specially adapted to the requirements of the elderly with mobility difficulties, for example. From the bathrooms, through the bedrooms and the common places where grandparents gather to eat and relax, they have special characteristics so that the grandfather can function with the greatest naturalness.
They also have a staff of nurses, who will take turns to offer care and care to the elderly 24 hours a day.
Meanwhile, they will work alongside and under the indications established by the doctor or doctors in charge of the health of the internees.
There are public, private, with more and less benefits and comforts, although all are concerned with fulfilling the double objective of their existence which is to provide care and assistance to patients 24 hours a day and promote the development of their physical, cognitive, mental and emotional
And on the other hand, the term geriatric is used to refer to everything relative or proper to geriatrics (part of medicine that deals with the study of old age and their disorders).
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