Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Javier Navarro, on Feb. 2016
A serenade is a popular song whose main theme is the love and that is normally interpreted by a group of musicians who use wind and string instruments.
It is a music eminently popular, sung at air free and in a festive and joyful spirit. The serenade has been described as the art to fall in love through music. In this sense, the image of a group of young people singing in front of a young woman's balcony is typical.
Although the main theme is love, there are other contents that are part of this musical expression, such as the parody of characters or political satire
The serenade is a musical modality that we can find in Mexican mariachi groups, the Spanish tuna of university students or in the form of public competitions organized in the middle of the street, as happened in Argentina.
A vision of its historical origin
Research on serenades shows that these songs acquire prominence from the period romantic in Spain, the period in which poets such as Bécquer, Zorrilla or Espronceda incorporated serenades into their work literary. It can be said that the serenade is a
synthesis of two trends of Romanticism: music as a means of expression and the loving feeling. In this sense, the serenade is interpreted in street and festive contexts but its lyrics do not belong to the tradition popular, since most of them were written by illustrious poets.Serenades in today's world
A serenade is more than a simple love theme song, as it expresses a way of life and values. Thus, when a group of young people went to sing serenades at night, they were performing a kind of ritual: looking for a girlfriend through musical seduction and having fun with friends.
This custom connects with a world that, to a large extent, no longer exists. It is very difficult to imagine that a young woman is waiting on her balcony for the arrival of some young people who are going to sing a serenade to win her over and entertain her. The custom of singing serenades has lost its original meaning and today it lasts more as entertainment than as a form of conquest.
The tradition of serenades is slowly disappearing. This can be observed in two different phenomena: the role of mariachis is oriented to the tourism and Spanish university tunas are no longer part of the university tradition.
Photos: iStock - fcscafeine / Susan Chiang
Themes in Serenade