Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2011
The word syneresis supports multiple references ...
Meanwhile, in Metrics, is called syneresis when resource that allows to link the vowels of a hiatus (sequence of two vowels that are separated into different syllables and that then do not make up a diphthong: aú / ba-úl) undoing it, with which the timbre of that weakest vowel is weakened with the mission of creating a diphthong artificial, in order to reduce the total number of syllables of the verse in question by just one.
It should be noted that syneresis is the opposite of umlaut (Diacritical sign consisting of two points ¨ which are written horizontally on the vowel that affects. Penguin), although, syneresis is not indicated by any kind of special sign.
And in Chemistry, syneresis is the division of the levels that make up a suspension or mixture. More precisely it is about the expulsion or extraction of a liquid from a gel, for which, from that moment on, the gel becomes a substance homogeneous to become a segregation of solid components separated and contained in the liquid phase.
Some of the most illustrative examples of this concept turn out to be: the division of the serum blood from the coagulated blood and the separation into serum and curd (cheesy and crass part of the milk, which is separated by the action of a rennet or heat) from the cut milk.
Topics in Syneresis