Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jul. 2016
The word pollerudo is used in Spanish in some countries of Latin America but not in all of them nor in Spain. Pollerudo is understood as that man who is dominated by his sentimental partner, usually his wife.
Pollerudo in the traditional macho culture
The meaning of this word must be understood in the Social context of a macho culture, in which it is considered that in couple relationships the man must impose his will on the woman, which in colloquial terms is known as the expression "wear the pants". If someone claims that a man is a pollerudo he is disqualifying him, because according to the macho mentality and traditional women should not take a superior position than men.
Regarding the use of the word pollerudo, it must be remembered that in most Latin American countries a skirt is a skirt. Thus, the pollerudo is the one who hides in a woman's skirt, just as the kids little ones with their mothers. Consequently, with the adjective pollerudo it is being said that a man is not man enough, since he adopts a childish position.
Different meanings of the term depending on each country
In Argentina, it is said that a man is a pollerudo when he allows his wife to take control of the relationship
The pollerudo is, therefore, a submissive man, without personality and that she allows her partner to control her life in general. There are several circumstances that turn a man into a rude letting the woman drink important decisions, letting her control the money, or having a limited degree from Liberty personal).
On Spain the term pollerudo is not used and the word calzonazos is used instead. Thus, being a calzonazos in Spain expresses a double meaning: a man who is dominated by his wife and, at the same time, someone with a weak character and who allows others to impose his will. If a young girl says that her boyfriend is an underdog, she is stating that he always agrees with her, a circumstance that has her advantages but also her disadvantages.
On chili the word pollerudo has another hue, since it is used to refer to the young or adult man who is very emotionally attached to his mother and because of this the mother is in control of her life or exerts a great influence on the child.
In countries like Chile, Ecuador, Bolivia or Peru, a pollerudo is a priest, but this word is used in a very colloquial and with a contemptuous intention towards the priest.
Photos: iStock - hoozone / ScottTalent
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