Definition of Sense of Humor
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Maite Nicuesa, in Jan. 2015
The attitude that a person adopts in the conquest of her happiness is one of the essential pillars in the development of well-being. Having said this, it should be pointed out that an attitude marked by a sense of humor is the best philosophy Coping with life goes beyond mere attitude, as medical experts increasingly delve into the healthy effects of a sense of humor on physical and mental well-being.
A tool for improvement
The sense of humor enhances the levels of physical and mental relaxation, but it is also an antidote to resilience fantastic to face the adversities of life.
The sense of humor shows the ability of a person to put a fun touch to the reality of everyday life through interpretation that realizes of the facts. Obviously, humor in the strict sense, may be inappropriate in a certain context, for example, when a loved one dies.
Accept and learn to laugh at yourself
However, it should be pointed out that general humor is so healthy that experts in
psychology recommend that human beings learn to put a sense of humor into practice by laughing at themselves. It is about relativizing everyday concerns to the beat of a laugh And it is that life has a more beautiful color when you observe reality to the beat of a pleasant smile.An expression and style that impacts the quality of life
The sense of humor It refers to the mental hygiene that a person has to put his attention in a place that makes him feel good and not in worry. It is not about ignoring things or distorting reality but about learn to de-dramatize the reality that in the purest style of a tragicomedy it has hints of pain but life also has room for humor, fun and magic. Which people are the ones who most enhance the sense of humor on a day-to-day basis? Those who are optimistic and apply the positive thinking in its life philosophy.
On the contrary, people superb and vain ones have more difficulties to laugh at themselves since their own ego hinders this capacity for humor. The sense of humor is also great in personal relationships as it strengthens friendship, love as a couple and also family relationships. Humor is so necessary in our lives that this is one of the reasons why laughter therapy courses are in fashion.
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