Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Juan Navarro García, in Apr. 2016
Ineffable is understood as that person, situation, circumstance or action whose definition is not possible through words.
The use of the adjective ineffable is usually somewhat diffuse and is applied in a large diversity of situations. It can be used both to talk about the intensity of a feeling whose greatness words are not capable of expressing as to speak of people whose features they are so particular that it is not possible to classify them in any way.
It comes from the Latin word "Ineffabilis" -"That cannot be expressed in words"
Synonyms of Ineffable
Although the definition of Ineffable is very specific in its meaning, this adjective can be used with the intention of expressing very different things.
In addition to cases like those already mentioned, ineffable can be used with many other meanings. Usually, to express the impossibility of describe Something with words, other adjectives such as unspeakable, indescribable or inexplicable are preferred, for which reason, used with this intention, it has fallen into disuse.
However, it is used to emphasize the greatness of something in the highest degree. Thus, it can be used with the meaning of wonderful, splendid or extraordinary, implying that something is of such magnitude that words are insufficient to describe it.
One of the most common uses is as a synonym for unique or original. If a person is so different and special that he breaks all known schemes, it is very common to apply the adjective "ineffable". Therefore, it can be considered as an alternative to adjectives such as "strange" and "unclassifiable".
Also in the religious sphere or mystical This word is used mainly to refer to the love of God, a feeling that is considered ineffable because it goes beyond what man can understand. Therefore, if it cannot be understood, it can hardly be explained.
In the field of emotions, the use of ineffable is associated with a superlative degree of these. Thus, an ineffable fear is a fear so extreme that it is impossible to describe if you have not felt something like it. And this use is valid for any emotion that seizes the person to such an extent that it is impossible for him to express his intensity in a minimally close way.
Photos: iStock - vgajic / Wavebreakmedia
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