Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2014
The one of pollution is a concept that allows us to designate alternatively to the contaminationin the environment that living beings inhabit, that is, pollution means serious contamination, either from air or of Water, as a consequence of the degrading action exerted by some agent toxic or residues that come into contact with any of these.
The relevance and harmfulness of the pollution of some of these two elements, water and air, lies in the direct and constant contact that people, animals and any other living organism have with they.
And of course, the complications that result from this are also notable if we take into account that they can trigger serious illnesses and conditions, and in some cases even leading to death or serious damage of ecosystem.
It should be noted that almost always or rather always the human being is the main responsible for contaminating and can do so in various ways, through substances with high chemical content, by the residues that are produced, either at a domestic or industrial level, by the oil spill in the waters, by radiation and by the execution of sounds annoying.
One of the most common examples of pollution is that of gases toxics that usually emanate from some industries. These will not only affect the environment environment in which the industry is located but also to the closest inhabitants who will have to constantly breathe the polluted air and not to mention if the contamination is transferred to the Water. All the water that is consumed must be treated or avoided if it is not to be subjected to its dire consequences.
At present, pollution is one of the great global problems, all countries, regardless of their importance, size, etc. They are haunted by some form of pollution and of course this tends to degrade the health of its inhabitants, its soil, its waters and the planet in general.
Many of the climate changes we observe with astonishment today they are undoubtedly the consequence of pollution.
And on the other hand the word pollution is used to designate ejaculation that a man usually has while sleeping, that is, it occurs in a non-conscious way.
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