Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jul. 2010
The term comic is used to designate those forms of story graphic that are assembled based on drawings framed in vignettes. The comic may also be known as cartoon or comic depending on the place or region in which it is referred to. The comic is an art form that has become popular especially in the 20th century, although we can find various antecedents of this form of story in other times in history.
The comic can be defined as a story that is built mainly on the basis of drawings or images. He may or may not have text But even if it does, the text never occupies a main role compared to the drawings as it does in other forms of story such as the novel or the poetry. The background that has the text in this form graph it is complemented with other elements such as symbols, onomatopoeia, expressive forms, etc. The comic is diagram usually in vignettes (which may or may not be marked) within which an act or dialogue takes place. Each vignette represents a specific moment of the situation told, as it can also represent different situations. In general, it is considered an art form for all this, although for many it is in an alternative way (that is, not following the traditional canons).
The presence and popularization of the comic was largely due to its reaching the mass public through the publication of magazines, newspapers and other accessible means of information. Comic strip and comic book artists became especially popular with kids despite the fact that many of the comics were directed at adults.
In comics we can find endless themes and ways of representing each scene. However, the stories of superheroes, fantastic and mythical characters, exaggerated, absurd situations, full of expressiveness (violence, fear, love, passion).
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