Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jul. 2010
By climate we understand that natural phenomenon that occurs at the atmospheric level and is characterized by being a conjunction of numerous elements such as temperature, humidity, pressure, rain, wind and others.
Natural phenomenon of the atmosphere that is the result of the interaction of elements such as rain, pressure, humidity, temperature, among others
This sum of atmospheric variables that affect a given geographical area is known as climate.
Meanwhile, the variables are considered an average, that is, taking a certain amount of time that can be fifty years back.
Climatic variations are explained by the presence of various factors such as: the distance with respect to Ecuador, the proximity of the sea, the altitude, the rains, among others; All these factors interact with each other and determine the specific type of climate of a geographic region.
As a consequence of the importance that the climate presents in economic activity is that the human being took care to carefully study the existing climate in each part of the planet in order to be able to take advantage of the natural conditions offered by each part of the world and establish the most businesses and activities there conducive.
Although the climate is a natural element, it could also be said that its conception is human since all the elements and statistics that compose it are forms that the human being establishes to know with more or less accessible parameters to those phenomena atmospheric.
Differences between meteorology and climatology, the disciplines that study climate
The discipline that deals with the study of climate is called climatology, with average values being its focus of study, for its part, meteorology, is the science that studies and predicts the climate according to the elements visible in numerous types of maps and systems of observation planetary, but analyzing current values.
So climatology deals with the long term, trying to find regularities in the values, and the second in the short term, its mission is to make predictions.
Now, the variables that are analyzed are the same in both disciplines.
Types of climates
The earth has a great variety of climates that are generated from unique conjunctions of elements such as humidity, temperature, winds, ocean currents, soils, precipitation and others.
Thus, we can organize the climate into five main types: tropical, dry, temperate, continental, and polar.
The tropical climate is one that is found in the areas through which Ecuador passes, that is, northern South America, central Africa and Southeast Asia. The dry is found in desert areas such as much of North Africa, the western United States, the Middle East, Australia, and western South America. The polar is the one that is near the poles and that supposes the lowest temperatures of planet. The temperate and continental can be found in different parts of the planet and are, perhaps, the most suitable for human life because they do not present extreme temperatures such as polar cold or heat excessive.
The negative impact on the planet caused by climate change. Consequences and how to help
Climate is a geographical phenomenon that exists throughout the entire planet but that, according to the conditions of each place, varies and presents notable differences between area and area. Due to the high impact of man's action not only on nature but also on the atmosphere, The climate has changed profoundly in recent centuries, giving rise to what is now known as climate change and that involves severe alterations throughout the planet.
In general, in recent years there has been an increase in temperature as a result of the greenhouse effect that retains the Energy coming from the sun.
If we do not begin to take care of the planet, treating it with more respect and care, the consequences will be dire for the continuity of life on it.
Adverse effects include: the potential for solid state freshwater reservoirs, such as the poles, to melt; the rise in sea level that can lead to flooding of coastal cities; increased rainfall and therefore floods; extinction of species and ecosystems, among the most serious.
Beyond the policies that a government can implement To improve the quality of life on the planet, each of us can collaborate with small daily actions that together will be huge, for example, avoiding the indiscriminate use of cars and opting for the use of public transport or bicycles, the real green transportation.
In this way we will be contributing to the reduction of carbon dioxide production.
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