Definition of Direct Current
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2012
The electric currentis the concept from which we designate the circulation of electric charge, per unit of time, that occurs through a material. Meanwhile, the electrical intensity is the result of the movement of electrons within the material in question.
The electrical conductor, as the material that has very little endurance to the movements of charge, it has a significant amount of free electrons, which is what will ultimately allow the electricity.
On your side, the current goes on it's a type of electrical intensity that is characterized by not changing direction with the to run weather.
Also known as direct current, the current continues it will involve the constant and incessant flow of electrons from a cyto electrical conductor between two points that observe different potential. In this type of current the electric charges always travel in the same direction and this is possible because the terminals are always the same, both the one with the lowest potential and the one with a potential higher.
Now, although it is correct to identify as continuous current that which is constant, the current that always observes the same polarity will also be continuous.
Likewise, when electrons move in the same direction, generally from the positive to the negative pole, we will speak in terms of direct current.
In the discovery of this type of current, the invention of the first battery by the Italian physicist Alessandro VoltaHowever, it was not until the end of the 19th century that this type of current began to be used to transmit electrical charge. Then, already in the following century, the 20th, the use of this type of current diminished and moved to the alternating current, because the latter causes less loss at the time of transmission long distance.
The main difference between the current in question and the alternating current turns out to be that in the latter, both magnitude and sense, they present a cyclical variation and on the other hand it represents the traditional way in which electricity is materialized in our homes, businesses, among others.
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