Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jul. 2009
Voting is the most important moment in any situation that involves decision-making on an issue. Through it, the participating individuals express their choice and suppose the I respect for the option with the greatest number of supports. Normally, the act of voting is directly related to democratic political systems in which almost entire populations (with the exception of kids and foreigners) decide on various aspects of community life.
There are numerous methodologies through which a vote or suffrage can be exercised and the choice of the voting system will have to do with the specific objective for which it is voted. That is, while there are times when voting can take place informally (such as a Assembly consortium), other situations imply a much greater order and organization (for example, when talking about national elections to elect rulers). In this sense, the vote can be public or private, secret or sung, individual or group, qualified or massive, mandatory or optional, etc. All these possibilities are adapted to different situations.
Of course, individual, secret and compulsory voting is directly related to the democracy and the sovereign exercise of our preferences. If it is understood in this way, then it can be said that voting is a very recent phenomenon since historically the Societies have been politically managed through hereditary successions or based on divine designs of their rulers. It was not until the early 19th century that the notion of election through the vote of political leaders began to take shape. In the case of women, the right Voting was not possible until the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, and there are still populations in which women do not have the possibility to vote. At present, in addition, numerous groups with anarchist inclinations and disbelief in the democratic system, call on the citizens not to vote with the aim of not allowing the rulers to perpetuate themselves in power while also maintaining the conditions from inequality, poverty, misery and despair of some countries.
In order for voting to take place in democratic systems, a medium to long-term process must be carried out that involves the record appropriate of the individuals who will be eligible to vote, the establishment of the options to choose, the organization and regulation of the spaces where to vote, the distribution of the ballot boxes and materials necessary for carry out the vote, the vote itself and the subsequent sum of the votes cast with the consequent proclamation of the option victorious.
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