Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Dec. 2009
Lineage is the structure of relationships that are established between different members of a family through time and that make them relatives within that group, sharing a common ancestor at a biological level as well as a varied number of traditions and traditions to level cultural. The lineage has been especially important both in antiquity and in the Middle Ages and in the Modern Age until the times of the French Revolution, at which time the offspring ceased to have social importance compared to the individual achievements of each person. The term lineage has to do with the idea of a line and a continuation of a family line for centuries.
Throughout much of the history of the Humanity, the human being has established hierarchies and social differences from these lineage ties that supposed superiority or privileges. While all individuals have a line of ancestry / descent known as a lineage, they were no longer that the nobles or traditionally high-ranking sectors, those who could show off their ties relatives. Such societies based their
I respect, wealth and power in these elements to access the most important political positions.This is why for such social sectors, for officials and for rulers it was of vital importance have a lineage that would hold them in place for a long time, even centuries if it continued the inheritance family. In this sense, many lineages could be invented and falsified according to the needs of whoever ruled, creating non-existent relatives and ancestors.
Usually the lineage o membership a family group was represented with certain symbols and elements that differentiated it from other families. This was made visible in shields, symbols that were reproduced on clothing, ornaments, in forms of behavior or specific traditions that were maintained over time and that formed a complex system of representations relatives.
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