Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2010
It is called Ultra Violet Radiation or UV Radiation to electromagnetic radiation whose wavelength is approximately between 400 and 15 nm. Its name comes into account because its range starts from shorter wavelengths that individuals identify as violet. This type of radiation can be produced by solar rays and the most important thing is that it produces different and very serious effects on Health.
The first detection of this type of radiation was achieved thanks to experiment what development at the beginning of 19th century German physicist Johann Ritter, who verified the darkening of the you go out silver when exposed to sunlight.
The main use that is given to the radiation in question is that of methodology from sterilization, together with infrared rays, since it is capable of eliminating any type of bacteria and virus without leaving residues, in contrast to what happens with chemical products.
Meanwhile, a second app which can be really very useful, UV sterilization in milk as an alternative to traditional pasteurization process of the same.
Although with a certain advantage due to the aforementioned applications that we comment on, UV radiation certainly causes harmful effects on the health of human beings, especially in the skin of those who are exposed in excess and in contraindicated hours to the rays of the Sun.
Skin cancer, wrinkles, premature skin aging, blemishes and loss of elasticityThey turn out to be some of the biggest damage.
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