Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Ago. 2009
We can define cold as the total absence of heat or as the presence of low temperatures. In this sense, cold appears as a consequence of heat rather than as an independent phenomenon since it is the result of the lack of those combustions that generate Energy on a surface or space and that generate heat. While in the Solar system all the planets located behind the Earth are extremely cold, the low temperatures they also exist (to a lesser extent) on our planet, especially in areas near the poles of globe. These are the areas with the least arrival of solar rays and that is why they maintain low temperatures compared to the rest of the planet.
Depending on the space, the cold or the sensation cold can be present in different ways. On our planet we can find low temperatures in many regions, but the perception that everyone has from the cold can be very subjective. In this sense, while in tropical areas the cold is when the temperature It is less than twenty degrees Celsius, in regions with more hostile climates this can be high temperature. This is why cold is not only a reality (that is, the absence of heat), but also a matter related to the perception of each individual.
In cold spaces, where temperatures are near zero degrees Celsius or even below them, the different phenomena related to life tend to stop, although they do not die. This is why in extremely cold regions it is difficult to find abundant vegetation, as it is also common to note that the organisms Dead are best kept by the freezing conditions of the environment. The adaptation of the human being to cold spaces is undoubtedly a challenge that has been overcome on many occasions but it is not easy resolution in others, especially when intensive climatic phenomena are witnessed or when the development of good living conditions is not possible.
At the same time, it is important to remember that cold has been recognized by man as one of the most useful elements for conservation food. By recognizing the latency conditions that microorganisms that destroy food, humans have understood that both refrigeration and Freezing are some of the most efficient ways to maintain food products from short life.
Cold Topics