Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2011
The concept of diva ranges from outstanding figures in artistic and cultural fields to arrogant personalities that are intended to be placed on a pedestal.
At the behest of the classical music, the diva is that Renowned singer who stands out for having an exceptional voice.
Classical music: singer with exceptional voice and unique charisma
Although diva not only supposes to have a powerful and correctly projected voice but she must also be accompanied by a temperament strong. Meanwhile, the timbre that the diva possesses can vary and oscillate between qualities such as beauty, expression and charisma.
It should be noted that the improvisation that the artist stops to captivate and be considered of course as a diva also turns out to be transcendent, that is, it is essential to virtuosity in terms of voice, although it is also the ability to offer, at certain moments of the show, spontaneity and entertainment to the public, which obviously very well host will be.
That is, a diva in this sense in addition to singing fantastically and captivating through the vocal interpretations she should also be assumed as a show woman who brings them a complete show to the viewers of it.
The presence of the diva would gain relevance and presence from the twentieth century and thanks to one of the most faithful exponents of it, Maria Callas, who managed to meet both conditions mentioned above: powerful voice + outstanding stage presence.
Although, from the use described above, a second use of the term became, which by these times has become extremely popular in the common language and then, those singers who owned an impressive volume of voice and a magnetism overwhelming, beyond the musical genre in which they are registered.
And so it is that Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, J. Lo., Madonna to name some of the singers of today who meet the aforementioned characteristics, are also considered divas.
It also applies to actors, actresses, athletes, among others
But the word also transcended music and then we also call divas all artists, be they singers, actresses, models or athletes who stand out for their quality and success.
Television is also a medium that usually generates and hosts several divas / os, who are recognized as such by the success of the programs they head, generally shows.
Likewise, the term is usually applied to someone who stands out or who turns out to be representative of her peers. For example, the Argentine cardiology specialist René Favaloro was a figure within his specialty.
It is always the capabilities, or the discoveries that someone makes that will determine them as a figure or divo / a in a field.
The one who stands out for his arrogance and haughtiness
Along with its positive meaning, we also find that the word has a negative meaning that allows us to account for the one who stands out for his arrogance, arrogance and conceit. “After the promotion Laura thinks she is a diva, she no longer comes to have lunch with us.”
Many ordinary people, that is to say, who are not famous, suddenly, due to a situation, they get an improvement in their social position and then this makes the fumes go up to their heads, as is popularly said, and then they stop having a humble and modest behavior that characterized and highlighted them and they become haughty, arrogant, haughty. That change also includes stopping frequenting the places and people they used to visit because now in their new status they consider that it is not up to it.
People who demonstrate this behavior will cause contempt in their former friends and acquaintances, who they will also decide not to have more contact with her because they do not feel comfortable with the arrogance with which treats.
It is not something that always happens, but it is not strange to find cases like the one described, people who suddenly get promoted in their jobs and earn more money, or who receive a inheritance and this generates that their purchasing power improves significantly, and then, this changes their character and they are distant and superior with respect to the people with whom they interacted before.
Of course it is a attitude condemnable and unpleasant, but we cannot deny that it is very typical of the human being.
Themes in Diva