Definition of Sentence (Grammatical, Psychological and Logical)
Miscellanea / / December 06, 2021
Conceptual definition
In essence, the sentence is the minimum unit of communication, the smallest structure, capable of transmitting an idea through an ordered sequence of word classes (syntax). The Gramatical sentence It is any structure formed by a subject and a predicate. Psychological prayer it is an intentional and attentional unit of complete meaning in itself. The logical sentence it involves the expression of a judgment, the mental operation by which one thing is affirmed from another.
BA in Hispanic Letters
It is important not to confuse the idea of the sentence with that of the monema, which is the minimum unit of meaning and is related to sounds. The sentence as a statement is everything that you want to express at a given moment, says Otilia de la Cueva.
According to what was expressed by Amado Alonso and Henríquez Ureña in their Grammar Castellana, the sentence is “smallest unit of speech with full sense", And having complete meaning means"declare, wish, ask or send something
”. There are several definitions of the sentence, according to the criteria considered, from which it can be classified into psychological, logical and grammatical.Gramatical sentence
It is made up of two essential elements, the first, the subject, is what is being talked about, the second, the predicate, is what is being said. The grammatical analysis allows the identification of all the elements that make it up, being that the verb, in a personal way, is the nucleus of the syntactic unit.
Every grammatical phrase is made up of a noun phrase (subject) and a verb phrase (predicate) responding to the formula O = SNs + SVp. Noun phrases can have several structures, but their nucleus will always be a noun. Verb phrases are marked by the verb as the nucleus.
Example: High school boys attended the parade.
SN: The boys of the school.
Nucleus: boys.
Prepositional complement: from school.
SV: they attended the parade.
Nucleus: they attended.
Place circumstantial complement: to the parade.
The phrases, both verbal and nominal, present a concordance in number and person, since it had already been mentioned that the verb appears in a personal form. In this case, the agreement consists in speaking of the third person plural and the ending of the verb indicates its conjugation in this same person.
The distinctive sign of grammatical sentences is, then, the presence of a verb form. Thus, in a text determined, there will be as many grammatical sentences as verbs we find in this one.
Example: Came to Comala (1) because I they said that my father lived here, a certain Pedro Páramo (2). My mother said (3). And I will i promised (4) that she would come to see him as soon as she die (5). I squeezed her hands as a sign that would do (6); well she was by die (7) and I plan to promise it everything (8). Juan Rulfo, Pedro Páramo.
In this case we find eight grammatical sentences, all determined by the presence of a verb form:
(1) came (1st person of singular)
(2) they said (3rd person plural)
(3) said (3rd person singular)
(4) i promised (1st person singular)
(5) would come (1st person singular)
(6) I squeezed (1st person singular)
(7) was (3rd personal singular)
(8) was (1st person singular, ellipsis). On this occasion, the verb “was” does not appear explicitly, it is found in verbal ellipsis, since it was mentioned previously.
Psychological prayer
In this case it is always implied the coherence internal through intonation. Beyond its limits there is no concordance, nor do prepositional relations or conjunctions links act.
These intentional partitions of the speech communicate, each one of them, everything related to a referred subject or everything that the speaker considers intimately related to it.
Psychological sentences do not always agree with grammatical sentences, since these can contain several phrases of a psychological order.
Example: The dawn lights enveloped the streets in their clarity (1), they still did not cover everything (2), but little by little they made the space their own (3), pouring the sun's rays into every corner of the house (4).
In this case there are four psychological sentences, since several things are said about the same subject: the lights of dawn.
Logical sentence
In terms of limits, these coincide with the grammatical sentence, although there may be differences between the two. In general it is taken as your limit to the point.
Also, it can be found defined as "proposition logic”, And Andrés Bello assures that they are the expression verbal of a judgment. This judgment creates a logical relationship between two concepts: the subject and the predicate. These relationships occupy a preferential place in the adult and it can be said that logical judgments determine much of the grammatical structure.
Example: The Ray(subject) of the sun they invaded(predicate) home.
Alarcos Llorach, E.: Grammar of the Spanish language.
Alonso, A. and Henríquez Ureña, P.: Gramatica Castellana. Second course.
De la Cueva, O.: Manual of Spanish Grammar.
Seco, M.: Essential grammar of the Tongue Spanish.
Graduate in Hispanic Letters. MBA student at the University of Guadalajara, Mexico. Performance in the field of communication media and teaching, in the linguistic and literary areas, as well as research methodology and languages. Research in lexicology, sociolinguistics and theater.
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