50 Essay Topic Ideas
Miscellanea / / December 30, 2021
The essays are texts in which an author reflects on a theory, a concept or an event and makes her position on the subject explicit.
The essays are expository texts, because information is provided on a certain matter, and argumentative, because an opinion, a hypothesis or a thesis is included, which is defended with arguments.
Furthermore, they are persuasive texts, because they are written with the purpose of convincing the reader about the author's point of view. They may have a subjective focus (if they are literary essays descriptive) or objective (if they are scientific essays, academic, critical or expository).
All the essays have a specific structure, since they always include a introduction, a developing and one conclusion. The topics for this type of text are very varied, but the important thing is that the author considers it an interesting topic and that he consults reliable information before beginning to write.
Essay topic ideas
- Did the internet replace television? Both the Internet and television are media that are consumed by many people around the world. But since the advent of the Internet, the use of television has decreased. How many people use the Internet and how many use television? What do they use each one for? Will television disappear in the near future?
- Damage to the ozone layer. The ozone layer is the part of the atmosphere where the greatest amount of ozone molecules is concentrated and has the function of reducing the ultraviolet radiation that comes from the sun. Damage to the ozone layer causes inconveniences in natural spaces, in water bodies, in crops and in living beings. What are the causes and consequences of ozone layer damage? How can it be avoided? What does the Montreal Protocol establish and how is it applied?
- Press freedom. Freedom of the press guarantees that journalists can express their opinion without being censored. In many countries, there are rights that guarantee this freedom. Why is freedom of the press important for journalists and for the population? In which cases is there no or no freedom of the press?
- The origin of Latin American literature. Establishing the origin of Latin American literature is complex, because the beginning could be pre-Columbian literature (written in glyphs) or the letters of Christopher Columbus. There is no consensus as to when the literature from this region began. What are the criteria to determine the characteristics of Latin American literature and its origin? Does literature have to be written or can it be oral (as was the literature of native peoples)?
- The future of politics. Politics is constantly changing, because the way of being of society, the way in which politicians interact and the way of communication with society is modified. How has politics changed in recent years? What will it be like in the future? Do social networks influence the ontology of politics?
- Advancement of technology in space exploration. The human being has always been related to space and has wanted to know more about it. With the advances of time and technology, it was possible to improve the knowledge on this subject. What inventions allowed humans to know more about space? What technology projects are you currently working on in relation to space exploration?
- Memes, emoticons and gifs: new forms of communication. Memes, emoticons, and gifs they are relatively new ways of transmitting information. How do these productions differ from written language? Are they universal forms of communication or are they only understood by certain people? How did written communication change?
- Education and employment. In many countries, education and employment are linked, because there are careers that have an exit direct employment or because students carry out internships that allow them to insert themselves into the world of job. Why is it so important to link these two spheres? Where is this link being implemented? Where did it work best?
- Visual contamination. Visual pollution is produced by an excess of elements, such as cables, posters and antennas, which alter the aesthetic perception of a place. In addition, it is one of the factors that cause stress. What other consequences does visual pollution have? How is it regulated? How can I solve this problem?
- Advertising, Marketing, and Business Success. Advertising campaigns and marketing are considered essential to the commercial success of a company. But for this to happen, it is necessary that these campaigns are well carried out. How do you achieve a good advertising campaign? What are the most successful companies and why? How did they carry out their marketing?
- software free. The software free is one that can be controlled, modified, distributed and used freely by its users. How is it different from other types of software? All the software free are they free? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
- The importance of neighborhood social clubs. Social clubs are very important places in neighborhoods because they are where people can play sports or meet for different activities. How is this space related to the identity of the people? What is the relationship of these spaces with the integration of the people in the neighborhood?
- Virtual reality and video games. Virtual reality is used in many video games and is an artificially created environment, which generates in its users the illusion that they are immersed in a magical world. What are the differences between traditional video games and virtual reality video games? When did this industry begin to develop and why is it so highly valued today?
- Learning in the elderly. According to the World Health Organization, it is very important that older people continue to acquire new knowledge. Learning not only serves to increase knowledge, but also allows you to exercise memory, create new neural connections and maintain interest in different topics. What courses do seniors usually take? Why is learning languages considered good at this stage of life? How is learning promoted for older people?
- The importance of the circulation of knowledge. Knowledge circulates through different media, such as schools, universities, books, museums and the internet. But how is this circulation produced? How has it changed since the appearance of the internet? Is the circulation democratic? What means allows greater acquisition of knowledge?
- Objectivity in documentaries. Documentaries are film productions that have the purpose of disseminating information on a topic. There is a presumption that these cinematographic productions can be made objectively, that is, that the subjectivity of the director or screenwriter does not influence. This is possible? Don't cultural productions always have a degree of subjectivity? Isn't the selection of the information that is transmitted a mark of subjectivity?
- Advantages and disadvantages of the common market. Common markets are commercial blocks made up of different countries that have certain rules for the circulation of goods, products, services, money and people. What are its advantages and what are its disadvantages? What common markets exist in the world? Why did the brexit?
- Myths as an expression of the worldview of a people. Myths are stories that contain fantastic elements and that explain the origin of different phenomena. In addition, they are stories that allow us to understand the way of thinking and understanding the world of different societies. How are myths related to knowledge? What myths were there in ancient societies and what are there in contemporary societies?
- Changes of company names. Many companies change their name because of a business strategy or because they merge with another company. Why are these changes occurring? What do you need to take into account when choosing a new name? How can you identify a brand that has changed its name?
- How to promote tolerance? Tolerance is one of the fundamental values of any harmonious society. But, how can tolerance be promoted between people who think differently? Should it be promoted in educational settings and through awareness campaigns?
More sample essay topic ideas
- Power and politics.
- Evolution in leaps vs. linear evolution.
- Advantages and disadvantages of distance education.
- Feminism.
- The passage from feudalism to capitalism.
- The impact of the pandemic on the economy.
- Human rights.
- The narration in the comics.
- History of a city.
- Cinema as entertainment and as cultural production.
- The meaning of life.
- Energy saving.
- The historical novels.
- Standardized tests.
- The national heroes.
- Scientific women.
- Symbolic violence.
- Friendship.
- The preservation of endangered species.
- The importance of natural spaces.
- Communication in the digital age.
- The great inventions of humanity.
- Sustainable landscaping.
- The languages of the original peoples.
- The beginning of philosophy.
- Objectivity and subjectivity in journalism.
- The books of the literary canon.
- The application of logic in different disciplines.
- The consequences of air pollution.
- The production and use of biofuels.
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