Example of Prepositions in English (Prepositions)
English / / July 04, 2021
A preposition relates a noun or pronoun with other word on the prayer.
Like the conjugations, the prepositions put words together. But the prepositions they unite them in a special way.
For example:
- Conjugation: The sculpture and the garden are beautiful.
- Preposition: The sculpture in the garden is beautiful.
The preposition of example says like the words sculpture Y garden they are related. But the conjugation not.
The noun or pronoun that follows a preposition is called object of the preposition (object of the preposition). A preposition, its object, and any word that modifies the object build a prepositional phrase
- The sculpture (outside your house) is beautiful.
- The sculpture (with the marble base) is beautiful.
- The sculpture (near El Grande rosebush) is beautiful.
The prepositions in the examples above are underlined. Their objects on italic. Each prepositional phrase modify the noun sculpture.
Some prepositions they are made up of two or more words.
- The sculpture was taken (out of a truck). It was placed (in front of the fountain).
A preposition it can have two or more objects. These form a composite object or compound object.
- The sculptor works (with stone and steel). She will finish it (in 1989 or 1990).