20 Innovations That Changed the World
Miscellanea / / January 31, 2022
The 20 innovations that changed the world are the inventions that changed the course of history, because they introduced objects, techniques, practices, ideas or concepts innovative that improved the daily life of people or that favored the development of a discipline or a process productive.
The innovations they can be entirely new creations or a modification of an existing product, activity or knowledge, but they must always have a high level of impact and use and contribute to progress to be considered as such.
Innovations arise by chance or as a result of research and experimentation with the aim of introducing an improvement in a field. In addition, they can be closed (if they are carried out by people who belong to the same institution) or open (if they are carried out by people who belong to different institutions, times or places).
Examples of innovations that changed the world
- penicillin. It was the first antibiotic and was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928 by chance, but its application and production of massive way to treat diseases caused by bacteria were the result of research and experiments of several scientists.
- The wheel. Although the exact date and place of origin cannot be determined, the oldest records of this object indicate that it began to be used in Mesopotamia in the 5th and 4th millennia BC. c. This innovation was fundamental for humanity, because it introduced improvements in pottery, transport and machines.
- vaccinations. The first vaccine was invented by Edward Jenner, an English doctor, in 1796 to combat smallpox and, since then, others have been produced that have improved the health of humanity. These preparations cause the organisms of living beings to produce the necessary antibodies to avoid the spread of diseases or a serious picture of these.
- GPS. It was developed between 1973 and 1993 in the United States and was initially used for military purposes, but later it began to be used by civilians. The global positioning system allows determining the exact position of a user or an object that has a GPS receiver.
- The batteries. The first battery or electric cell was invented by Alessandro Volta, an Italian chemist and physicist, in 1800 and since then other creations have been developed that have improved on the first prototype. This invention was fundamental for the development of humanity, because it provides electrical energy to various objects, such as cell phones, cars and laptops.
- cryptocurrencies. The first, Bitcoin, was created in 2009 by one or more people known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Virtual currencies are digital currencies that use cryptographic encryption to ensure that transactions are reliable, but there are many people who do not recommend their purchase, because they are not usually regulated by financial organizations or governmental. In any case, there are many users who decide to make investments in this type of currency.
- Print. It was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in the mid-15th century and was the first mechanism that allowed texts to be reproduced on a massive scale. This innovation changed the world, because it was no longer necessary to copy the texts by hand and, therefore, the books could be manufacture faster and ceased to be luxury items to become accessible products for other persons.
- the pacemaker. It was developed in the 20th century by different scientists who were improving the system and the power supply of this device. This innovation changed the lives of people, science and medicine, because it allows the rhythm of the heartbeat to be controlled through electrical impulses.
- Writing. It has different spatial and temporal origins, but it is believed that the oldest emerged at the end of the fourth millennium BC. c. in Mesopotamia to represent products and quantities. Over time, two types of writing were developed, phonetic and ideographic, which were adopted by different civilizations. This invention is one of the most important, because it marks the end of prehistory and the beginning of history and because it allows the registration of different knowledge, facts, literary works, among others.
- the wifi. Although this technology is the consequence of different antecedents, its invention was produced in 1997. This innovation has changed the world, because it allows certain computer and electronic systems to connect to each other or to a network wirelessly. This connection has advantages over other types of connection, such as cables, because it is easier to share data between different devices.
- The sanitation network. It is the infrastructure that through a connection of pipes transports wastewater from the houses or other buildings to a treatment plant and subsequently to seas, rivers or containers. Although there are records that there were sewage networks in ancient times, it was not until the 19th century that they were installed in modern cities, such as Paris, London and Hamburg. This innovation was fundamental for human beings, because it allowed them to improve hygiene and health.
- nanotechnology. It emerged in 1980 thanks to the contribution of different scientists, such as Kim Eric Drexler, and it is a technology with practical application that allows to manipulate elements in nanometric scale, that is to say, in the smaller scale possible. It is an innovation that changed the world, because it is applied in computer science, medicine, engineering, chemistry, biology molecular, among others, to produce elements that improve people's lives and the manufacture of products.
- Cellphone. The first cell phone was introduced in 1973, but it was only in 1980 that it went on sale to the public. This innovation was fundamental, because it allowed its users to communicate with other people using the same device, but without the need to be in a fixed place. The mobile evolved until it became the smartphone, which, in addition to being used for make calls, take pictures, send emails, connect to social networks, etc. others.
- artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence was conceptually defined in the 1950s, but it was not until the 1990s that intelligent agents were created. that is, entities whose processors and software have the ability to perceive their environment, interact and solve problems in a rational. This innovation has changed the world, because machines can be created that work in a similar way to how the human brain does.
- Computer. The first programmed computer was designed by Konrad Zuse in the 1930s. In 1944 the first electromechanical computer appeared, which had basic functions, but which was the basis for those that came later. This innovation revolutionized the world, because it allowed different jobs to be carried out more easily and from 1971 the first home computers began to be sold.
- Internet. The origin of this network dates back to 1969, when the first connection between computers was established at a university in California. This network became more complex and was no longer used exclusively for academic or military purposes, because became one of the most used services in the world (at present it has 4,660 million users).
- The plane. The first was invented by Clément Ader, a French engineer, in 1890, but it was in the 20th century that this means of transport was perfected. It is an innovation that changed the world, because it allows many people to travel to different places on the planet and because it is the fastest transportation system.
- Television. The first commercially available television was created in 1926 by John Logie Baird, a Scottish engineer, and was sold between 1928 and 1934. This innovation was one of the most important of the 20th century, because it made it possible for news, ideas, and cultural or entertainment productions to reach the homes of millions of people around the world.
- The steam machine. It was invented by James Watt, a Scottish engineer, in 1765 and was the driving force behind the Industrial Revolution, because it was used to improve the operation of industrial production machines, locomotives, ships, among others. others.
- The bulb. Although similar products had been invented before, in 1880 Thomas Edison created the first commercial electric light bulb. This innovation changed the world, because it allowed people to carry out those activities in their homes. that they only worked during the day, that production hours in factories were extended and that the streets were better illuminated.
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