30 Examples of Comfort Zone
Miscellanea / / April 30, 2022
In psychology and behavioral studies, comfort zone It is a state of mind that is achieved when a subject, while performing an activity, maintains a good level of performance, do not experience variations in the intensity of anxiety or feel that there may be any danger. For example: An Olympic swimmer is in his comfort zone when he has to swim 2,000 meters.
A person reaches the comfort zone when he can carry out an action or a process without feeling uncertainty, because he knows how he should behave to fulfill a purpose.
However, in this zone, the subject does not improve himself, because he does not learn to carry out new tasks or because he does not incorporate new procedures that allow him to improve his performance.
The comfort zone is achieved in different spheres of life, such as academics, work, social and sports, and differs from two other zones that an individual can reach:
Characteristics of the comfort zone
The comfort zone is:
Examples of comfort zone
- A person who studies little, but who passes the exams.
- A dressmaker who makes similar garments with few changes.
- A person who always goes to the same restaurant.
- A person who always practices the same sport.
- A person who always performs the same cultural activities.
- A person who does not create new projects.
- A person who always watches the same movies.
- A person who goes to the same place every summer.
- A person who reads only one newspaper or always watches the same newscast.
- A person who performs the same exercise routine in the gym every day.
- A person who always does the same job.
- A person who always wears the same style of clothing.
- A person who always eats the same foods.
- A person who only exchanges opinions with those who think similarly.
- A person who reads only the books of one author or of a single genre.
- An actor who only works in comedic movies.
- A person who is not looking for new job opportunities in another company or in another position.
- A person who does not set new goals.
- A person who always meets the same people.
- A chef who always prepares the same dishes.
- A teacher who explains the same topics in all courses.
- An architect who designs similar houses.
- A painter who only makes landscape paintings.
- A musician who only performs pieces by Mozart.
- A person who only goes to a grocery store.
- A person who does the same bike ride every day.
- A band that always plays the same songs live.
- A systems analyst who uses the same procedure in all his jobs.
- A farmer who only sows wheat.
- A person who always performs the same type of puzzle.
- Forés Miravalles, A., Sánchez i Valero, J. A. and Sancho Gil, J. m. (2015). Get out of the comfort zone. Dilemmas and challenges in the EHEA. Pedagogical Trends, 23, 205–214. Retrieved on April 25, 2022 from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/2080
- White, A. (2009). From Comfort Zone to Performance Management. White & MacLean Publishing.
- Comfort zone. (April 12, 2022). In Wikipedia. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zona_de_confort
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