15 Examples of Distributive Adjectives
Miscellanea / / May 01, 2022
The distributive adjectives are those that indicate how various elements are distributed or distributed among individuals or objects. For example: paths, paths, each.
The adjectives are words that complement the noun, that agree with it in gender and number and that in a sentence can fulfill the syntactic functions of predicative, from direct modifier or attribute.
Distributive adjectives belong to the numeral adjectives, because they indicate that all individuals receive the same number of units from a set. In most semantic classifications of words, it is held that there are two distributive adjectives:
However, some grammarians consider certain frequency-related adjectives to be distributive. For example: daily, weekly, bimonthly. These adjectives express that an event occurs every certain amount of time.
Other numeral adjectives are:
Examples of distributive adjectives
annual | every | quinquennial |
biannual | quarterly | weekly |
biennial | decennial | biannual |
bimonthly | newspaper | both |
bimonthly | monthly | quarterly |
Examples of sentences with distributive adjectives
- There is an ice cream for every guest.
- the houses have paths swimming pools.
- The employee filed the report quarterly.
- Andrea performs her routine daily of exercises.
- Every guest took a souvenir.
- Jimena made her exit weekly to the movies.
- Jose went to the doctor to get his checkup annual.
- A doctor sees approximately seventy patients monthly.
- Magazines biweekly are the most popular.
- The boss of the company gave a Christmas bonus to every employee.
- If you subscribe to this magazine, you will receive a gift biannual.
- Many people attended the show biennial of art.
- The soldiers were decorated with paths medals.
- The census decennial gave very good results.
- The decorators put three garlands on every tree.
- The inspector checked biannual in the factory.
- All students are taking the exam quarterly of English.
- The earnings bimonthly of the company multiplied.
- Maria and Francisco bought both cars.
- They bought a house for every one of his sons.
- Forest, i. (2007). On distributive adjectives. In J. c. Otal and M. Emsel (eds.), Vernetzungen: Bedeutung in Wort, Satz und Text. Festschrift für Gerd Wotjak zum 65 Geburtstag. Band 1 (pp. 49-55). Peter Lang.
- Martinez Bohorquez, M. (2007). Determiners and pronouns: repertoire of exercises. Per Abbat: philological bulletin of academic and didactic update, 2, 149-174.
- Royal Spanish Academy & Association of Academies of the Spanish Language. (2010). New grammar of the Spanish language. Manual. Spare.
- Royal Spanish Academy. (s.f.). Every. In Spanish dictionary. Retrieved on April 27, 2022, from https://dle.rae.es/cada? m=form
- Royal Spanish Academy. (s.f.). Distributive -va. linguistic terms. In Pan-Hispanic Dictionary of Doubts. Retrieved on April 27, 2022, from https://www.rae.es/dpd/ayuda/terminos-linguisticos
- Royal Spanish Academy. (s.f.). Both -das. In Pan-Hispanic Dictionary of Doubts. Retrieved on April 27, 2022, from https://www.rae.es/dpd/sendas
- Royal Spanish Academy. (s.f.). Two, yes. In Spanish dictionary. Retrieved on April 27, 2022, from https://dle.rae.es/sendas#otras
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