100 Examples of Pentasyllable Words
Examples / / May 31, 2022
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The pentasyllable words are those that are composed of five syllables. For example: journalistic (journalistic), hypocrisy (hypocrisy), category (category).
Words contain one or more syllables (those units of the spoken chain that consist of one or more sounds, whose nucleus is usually a vowel and that are separated from others by a short and inconspicuous pause).
Syllables are represented in written language by one or more letters and can be stressed or unstressed. The stressed syllables are pronounced more intensely within a word. The unstressed syllables they are pronounced with less emphasis than stressed syllables. For example: fo (unstressed) – to (unstressed) – gra (unstressed) – yes (tonic) – a (unstressed).
- See also: polysyllabic words
Examples of pentasyllable words
- Boredom: bored
- Academic: a ca de mi co
- Used to: used to
- Exhaustion: running out
- Feeding: feeding
- Analogy: I turned it to
- Anniversary: anniversary
- Anthology: I turned it to
- Apartment: apartment
- Astrology: Astro I turned it to
- Qualified: qualified
- Capitalism: capitalism
- Cardiology: car gave it to
- Catholicism: ca to li cis mo
- Certificate: certificate
- Civilization: ci vi li za tion
- Classification: cla si fi ca tion
- Collaboration: collaboration
- Fellowship: company
- Complementary: comp ple men ta ry
- Communication: communication
- concessionaire: concessionaire
- Knowledge: knowledge
- Pollution: pollution
- Continually: continually
- Vanish: vanish
- Discovery: discovery
- Imbalance: de se qui librio
- Desperate: desperate
- Disobey: from so be to cer
- Ecology: I picked it up
- Economic: economic
- Ecosystem: ecosystem
- Loved: loved
- Training: training
- Wrong: wrong
- Specific: specific
- Spectacular: spectacular
- Strictly: it's tric ta mind
- Evolve: evolve
- Experiment: experiment
- Financing: financing
- Functioning: functioning
- Usually: usually
- geology: geology
- Habitually: habitually
- Hereditary: i re di ta rio
- To identify: to identify
- imagined: i ma gi na do
- Impediment: im pe di men to
- Impressionism: im pre sio nis mo
- Compensation: compensation
- Insuperable: insuperable
- Intermediary: intermediary
- Interpretation: inter pre ta tion
- Research: research
- Involuntary: in vo lun ta rio
- Itinerary: i ti ne ra rio
- Justification: justification
- Laboratory: laboratory
- Maintenance: maintenance
- Math: math
- Controlling: ma yo ri ta rio
- Medicine: I gave up
- Melancholic: I threw co li co
- Metabolism: me ta bo lis mo
- Mythology: my uncle gave it to
- Officially: ofi cially
- Organized: or ga ni za do
- Original: o ri gi na rio
- Stake: stake
- Pedagogy: pe da go gí a
- Perpendicular: per pen di cu lar
- Personally: personally
- Planning: planning
- Possibly: possibly
- Concerned: concerned
- Protagonist: protagonist
- Protectionism: pro tec tio nism
- Coming soon: coming soon
- publicly: publicly
- advertising: publi ci ta ry
- Rationalism: rationale
- Reasoning: reason
- Recently: Recently
- Recommended: recommended
- Regionalism: re gio na lis mo
- Regularly: regularly
- Related: related
- Respiratory: res pi ra to rio
- Romanticism: ro man ti cis mo
- Selected: selected
- Meaning: meaning
- Sociology: partner I turned it to
- Technology: technology
- Lately: lately
- Only: only ca mind
- Veterinary: veterinary
- Vocabulary: vocabulary
- Zoology: zo o gí a
Types of words according to their number of syllables
Depending on the number of syllables they have, words can be:
- monosyllables. They have only one syllable. Generally, they never have a tilde, except for those that have diacritic tilde, that is, the orthographic sign that allows us to differentiate two words that are written the same, but have different meanings. For example:Yes / Yes.
- bisyllables. They have two syllables. Are sharp when the last syllable is stressed (dog-to). Are serious when the penultimate syllable is stressed (sea-tir).
- trisyllables. They have three syllables. They are acute when the last syllable is stressed (sorry-nar). They are serious when the penultimate syllable is stressed (co-me-gives). Are esdrújulas when the penultimate syllable is stressed (bru-ju-la).
- tetrasyllables. They have four syllables. They are acute when the last syllable is stressed (ne-ce-yes-tar). They are serious when the penultimate syllable is stressed (im-por-so-tea). They are esdrújulas when the penultimate syllable is stressed (pe-river-di-co). Are sobresdrújulas when the syllable before the antepenultimate is stressed (of-I-I-know).
- pentasyllables. They have five syllables. They are acute when the last syllable is stressed (ad-mi-nis-tra-tion). They are serious when the penultimate syllable is stressed (se-cre-ta-I laughed-a). They are esdrújulas when the penultimate syllable is stressed (is-say-ti-ca). They are sobresdrújulas when the stressed syllable is before the penultimate (pre-gun-ta-me-lo).
- hexasyllables. They have six syllables. They are acute when the last syllable is stressed (es-pe-cia-li-za-tion). They are serious when the penultimate syllable is stressed (u-ni-see-if-ta-river). They are esdrújulas when the penultimate syllable is stressed (I-I-Told-Yourra-ne-o). They are sobresdrújulas when the syllable before the antepenultimate is stressed (pre-gunso-do-know-it).
- Heptasyllables. They have seven syllables. They are acute when the last syllable is stressed (in-com-pa-ti-bi-li-dad). They are serious when the penultimate syllable is stressed (nor-te-a-me-ri-AC-No). They are esdrújulas when the penultimate syllable is stressed (meteor-it-gi-co). They are sobresdrújulas when the syllable before the antepenultimate is stressed (a-tri-bu-and in-do-know-it).
- Royal Spanish Academy. (s.f.). Syllable. In Spanish dictionary. Retrieved on May 21, 2022, from https://dle.rae.es/s%C3%ADlaba? m=form
- Royal Spanish Academy and Association of Academies of the Spanish Language. (2010). Spelling of the Spanish language. Spare.
Follow with:
- Stressed and unstressed syllables
- monoliteral syllables
- Acute, serious and esdrújulas words
- Diphthong, tripthong and hiatus
- simple and compound syllables