What do they imply and what are the Vices of Language?
Miscellanea / / July 05, 2022
concept definition
A language vice corresponds to the continued misuse of the correct forms of the language, especially the influence of the term 'vice', associated with the idea of a bad habit, as well ruled by the RAE. In another degree, it refers to those errors that are made when using a language.
Bachelor of Hispanic Letters
Since language is an instrument of communication, is likely to be used more or less correctly, ability or effectiveness, especially in colloquial circumstances or common speech. For its part, let us remember that the grammar it is the set of rules that govern the use, so committing faults with respect to these can be quite common. The causes of this are fundamentally related to ignorance, and this can come from various socioeconomic circumstances.
The fact of incurring faults can make it difficult to comprehension of a message and diction and vocabulary are involved, since communication comprises all factors of the natural flow of a language.
Vices of diction and vices of construction
Within the categories of errors, grammar errors and stylistic errors can be identified. The first are the uses that violate the phonetic, morphological and syntactic structures of the language, in this case the written use of the cultured language is of greater interest. The second are stylistic errors that are not considered elegant or "in good taste", even when they respect the grammatical constructions.
The vices of diction group together those incorrect uses of words, considered in isolation. They are, therefore, the bad uses of a word, without taking into account the relationships that it generates with the context. The most common of these are: vulgarism or barbarism, ultracorrection and archaisms.
the vices of building, on the other hand, do consider the relationships with other words in the context: they are the errors in the construction or composition of the statements or phrases. These include: solecism, amphiboly, redundancy, dequeism, and cacophony.
Barbarisms or vulgarisms
This term also designates, in a general way, all vices or faults in the use of the language. These types of errors are made due to lack of knowledge of the rule cultured, or non-regulated use of words in common speech. The facts are told: to write misspelling a word, incorrect stress, incorrect pronunciation, or the use of useless neologisms (such as the current case of the verbalization of proper nouns that in the norm are not verbs: sanitize, budget, etc.)
Examples of vulgarisms
- substitution of phonemes: juimos for "went", nojotros for "us".
- addition or deletion of sounds: fuestes for "went", stepfather for "stepfather".
- change of pronunciation in the word: naiden for "no one", haiga for "there is".
Unnecessary correction of words that are already correct due to confusion due to conjugation rules.
examples. devastate for “devastate, digression for “digression”.
Use of old-fashioned phrases in phrases or ways of saying.
examples. enflacar for "thin", iron for "iron".
Some of these uses are still part of the speech of some Latin American regions. For example, in Mexico the use of mandil for "apron" is common.
It is the incorrect use of expressions in the construction of sentences. Occurs when matching rules are violated. It can be seen in changes of prepositions, misuse of pronouns and other particles.
examples. the pus for “the pus”, students who were commissioned for “students who were commissioned, the heat for “the heat”.
Double meaning of a word or phrase. This results in the obscurity of the sentence and gives rise to various interpretations, so communication is not effective.
examples. Employee needed to cook three people for "Employee needed to cook for three people”, about 25 dead cause tornadoes in Tennessee for “tornadoes in Tennessee cause about 25 dead”.
Use of words that represent the repetition of an idea.
examples. go up for "go up", go back to reiterate for "reiterate", hemorrhage of blood for "hemorrhage".
This fault consists in the use of the relative pronoun “that” when it is not necessary. The formula "that" is incorrect in sentences built with verbs in which the preposition does not govern the idea.
examples. he said he was leaving for “he said he was leaving, I think he is not well for “I think he is not well”.
Monotonous repetition of the same sound, encounter or repetition of the same syllable or letter.
examples. You managed to copy the Colombian song for “you managed to write the Colombian song; to stop, go through here for “to stop go through here”.
Also, they consist of language errors, the excessive use of fillers (the fillers are words or expressions that are repeated in the discourse excessively: that is, it is one of the most common), the reuse of words or the use of variants of words. Likewise, foreign uses are ruthlessly considered errors, although the rise of technology has returned this custom to common use in everyday speech.
Marrero Sánchez, O.: Vices of language.Morales Ardaya, F.: Notes for the writing. language errors.
Rubio Diaz, J. F.: The vices of language in communication.