10 Examples of Text Cards
Examples / / July 25, 2022
Matter. Analysis of Fukuyama's philosophical work and its reflections on other postmodernist theorists and thinkers.
Formulated in 1960, Gehlen's thesis far anticipated postmodernism twenty years later (it was perhaps the first acute glimpse of it). But if there is a single source for the characteristic end-of-history tone that would be celebrated by (mostly) French postmodern theorists, it is found in Kojéve. The intellectual generation of Baudrillard or Lyotard never felt the same initial sympathy as Kojéve for the Soviet regime.
Matter. Analysis of the life of some of the most famous philosophers in history and how they became characters in their time and through their legacy.
“In short: a philosophical life is a preparation to die, taking, taking the path of truth, through dialogue. (Truth and death come too close, only they are final. Philosophy is provisional, it is mere
transit). But—we all know—only Socrates dies; and he not only dies in the story but has died effectively. This incontrovertible fact, which is the very possibility of the myth, is present in such a way in the dialogues that each of them could be considered as stages of a journey”.Matter. Henry Kissinger and his view of diplomacy at the time of the United States' entry into World War II.
“The entry of the United States into the war was the culmination of the extraordinary diplomatic enterprise of a great and bold leader. In less than three years, Roosevelt had led his traditionally isolationist people into a global war. As late as May 1940, 64% of Americans considered keeping the peace more important than defeating the Nazis.
Matter.The relationship between music and mathematics.
"That the metaphysics of music as I have expounded it in my main work, may be considered as an application to the Pythagorean philosophy of numbers, I have indicated it briefly there and will expound it somewhat more extensively here, so naturally I conjecture that the reader will be aware of the passages quoted. According to this then, the melody expresses all the movements of the will as they are manifested in the human conscience”.
Matter. Bases and analysis of the spiritual structure proposed by Zen Buddhism.
“There are two approaches to understanding Zen Buddhism: one is analytical and the other is synthetic. The former was followed by the early Buddhists; the second developed later. By analytical method I mean the way in which the early Buddhists analyzed the concept of the Atman. They started with the impermanence of things, the way everything is subject to becoming and never stays the same.
Matter. The structural construction of a story and the management of effectiveness and short sentences
“Another of Alice Munro's long-distance running traits is her personal long range. Both through the appearance of continuity of the story and through the structural procedure of juxtaposition of different moments (the chronological intervals are sometimes very wide), manages to cover a long space of weather".
urls. https://webs.ucm.es/info/especulo/numero46/amunro.html
Matter. Critique of Marx's theory of capital.
“Venture capital risks have been dramatically reduced, being for the most part insurable against operating costs. The collegiate body, representative of the fragmented and anonymous capital, does not usually respond to its composition either, but rather the ascendant and the financial resources of certain shareholders reserve in many cases the legal government of the company in minority fractions of the capital Social".
Matter. The use of myths and their effect on people according to Jung's psychoanalytic conception
"Jung amplifies this explanation with the Babylonian myth of the creation of the world through the sacrifice of the original mother Tiamat, the dragon, symbol of the original chaos, whose corpse served to form the sky and the Earth. Evidently, in the individual case of Miss Miller, the cosmogony is not physical, but psychological. 'The world arises when man discovers it'; that is, the world is created when one creates oneself. "And he discovers it, Jung continues, when he renounces remaining involved in the original mother, that is, when he sacrifices the initial unconscious state" (1982: 414)."
Matter. Reflections on the construction of the characters in the work of Plautus.
“Despite the confusion involved in the action by so many elements, the psychology, the description of the reactions, this theater gives an impression of unity, and even of precision. It is because Plautus possesses the dramatic temperament to a rare degree. He sees his characters in motion, he moves with them—so to speak—and he draws the audience along with him, without stopping, from invention to invention”.
Bachelor of Arts (University of Buenos Aires). Specialization in Edition (National University of La Plata).