20 Examples of Cumulative Enumeration
Examples / / May 07, 2023
The cumulative enumeration it's a discursive resource which is based on providing various arguments in series with an intensifying purpose. In other words, it consists of successively placing the descriptive components —usually of the same class of words or category— of a certain sentence or paragraph. For example: I like the sea for its color, its aroma, its calm.
The enumeration is achieved by separating the elements with a eat either semicolon, that is, by juxtaposition, and by connectors or links. It is a type of discursive resource used in many textual types, especially in those argumentative texts and expositorywith a persuasive purpose. With its use, the discourse gains strength and it is easier to "convince" or reach a reader or audience.
However, examples are also found in the literature, under the Figure of speech of the enumeration. For example: To faint, to dare, to be furious,/rough, tender, liberal, elusive,/encouraged, deadly, deceased, alive (“Pass out”, Lope de Vega).
- See also: Literary resources
Cumulative enumeration types
Cumulative enumeration can be classified into:
- simple enumeration. The elements that make up a statement are displayed successively. For example: He doesn't want to walk, eat, drink, or sleep.
- chaotic enumeration. The elements that make up a statement do not respond to any particular criteria. For example: I prefer to ride my bicycle, because of its green color, because it is lighter than a motorcycle and because it is my cousin Romina's favorite means of transportation.
- ascending enumeration or climax. The elements of the statement are presented in an order from minor to major according to their importance and meaning. For example: The animal kingdom is made up of numerous species, from ants, pigeons, dogs, lions, and elephants.
- descending enumeration or anticlimax. The elements of the statement are presented in an order from major to minor according to their importance and meaning. For example: Catalina placed a manual, a folder, a notebook, a pencil and a rubber in her backpack.
cumulative enumeration examples
- Everything was almost ready for the move. That afternoon the household appliances, clothing, curtains, bedding, and crockery had been packed in labeled boxes.
- Next, we share with our students a decalogue to take care of the well-being of everyone at school:
- Arrive on time, so as not to delay entry to the institution.
- Arrive dressed in the school's regulatory uniform.
- Pay attention in class.
- Do not be inattentive with classmates or with teachers.
- Lend supplies and share textbooks with classmates who do not have these items.
- Leave the classroom during recess hours.
- No running or pushing at any time during the school day.
- Do not throw food or salivate on the floor.
- Talk quietly at lunchtime.
- Pay respect when saluting the national flag.
- Some of the benefits of a healthy diet are to improve the appearance of skin and hair, boost immunity, strengthen bones and help you live longer.
- He woke up from a long night and wrote on a piece of paper the first words that came to his head: lazy, splendor, coffee, carbon monoxide, beach, blondes, notes, peace.
- According to the world organization Great Place to Work, the so-called "best places to work" are:
- Better for business: because they develop people's potential to the maximum.
- Better for people: Because they consistently provide a positive work experience and inspire each individual to reach their full potential.
- Better for the world: because they contribute to the construction of a society defined by prosperity, care and equity.
- My family group is made up of my grandmother Rosa, my mother Liliana, my sister Florencia and me.
- Art. 100.- […] The head of the cabinet of ministers, with political responsibility before the National Congress, is responsible for:
- Exercise the general administration of the country.
- Issue the acts and regulations that are necessary to exercise the powers attributed to it by this article and those that delegated by the President of the Nation, with the endorsement of the minister secretary of the branch to which the act or regulation is refer.
- Make the appointments of administration employees, except those that correspond to the president.
- Exercise the functions and powers delegated by the President of the Nation and, in cabinet agreement, resolve on the matters that indicated by the Executive Power, or by its own decision, in those that due to their importance it deems necessary, within the scope of its competence.
- Coordinate, prepare and convene the meetings of the cabinet of ministers, presiding over them in the absence of the president.
- Send to Congress the bills of Ministries and the national Budget, prior treatment in cabinet agreement and approval of the Executive Power.
- To collect the revenues of the Nation and execute the National Budget law.
- Endorsing the regulatory decrees of the laws, the decrees that provide for the extension of the ordinary sessions of the Congress or the convening of special sessions and the messages of the president that promote the initiative legislative.
- Attend the sessions of Congress and participate in its debates, but not vote.
- Once the ordinary sessions of Congress begin, present together with the other ministers a detailed memory of the state of the Nation in relation to the businesses of the respective departments.
- Produce the verbal or written reports and explanations that any of the Chambers requests from the Executive Power.
- Endorsing the decrees that exercise powers delegated by Congress, which will be subject to the control of the Permanent Bicameral Commission.
- Jointly endorse with the other ministers the decrees of necessity and urgency and the decrees that partially promulgate laws. He will personally submit these decrees to the consideration of the Permanent Bicameral Commission within ten days of their approval.
- The head of the cabinet of ministers may not simultaneously perform another ministry.
- The lawyer explained to the judge the reasons why the convicted person should be in house arrest: he presents a mental disability, he is sick and the deprivation of liberty will prevent him from recovering, he is also 76 years.
- Word classes are nouns, adjectives, pronouns, determiners, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, interjections.
- The great threats to the Amazon region can be summed up in the existence of mining concessions, the increase in dams hydroelectric plants, the construction of roads, the expansion of intensive agriculture, deforestation and legislative changes around the protected areas.
- The ten most expensive perfumes in the world according to the Spanish newspaper La Razón are:
- DKNY Golden Delicious.
- Dignified Privée by House of Sillage.
- Clive Christian No. 1 by Imperial Majesty.
- Bvlgari Opera Debut.
- Chanel Nº5 Parfum
- Baccarat Les Larmes
- caron poivre
- Clive Christian #1
- House of Sillage Tiara
- Benevolence
- My oldest daughter was always one step ahead of the rest of the children her age: she rolled over on her own at three months, sat up on her own at six months, walked at nine months, and ran at eleven months months.
- The film had everything that Matías hated: it was a crime involving a puppy, the characters kept crying and there was one low blow after another.
- They are a great trio: Harry Potter is brave, Hermione Granger is very smart and Ron Weasley is the most faithful friend.
- The best activities to do in Puerto Madryn are whale watching, visiting the Punta Loma colony, walk to Punta Tombo to the penguin reserve and guided tour of the city.
- There are several criteria for ordering the books in a library. These are some of the systems:
- In alphabetical order.
- By publisher.
- By types of readings.
- By reading order.
- By color and size.
- According to a personal order.
- At my graduation party there was everything: good music, lots of dancing, nice people, delicious food and excellent drinks.
- jagged, lightyear, at the end of the senses and Jurassic Park: I watched a lot of movies and in a wide variety of genres this weekend.
- To become a member of Racing Club, it is necessary to present the following documentation:
- ID of all members
- Marriage or cohabitation certificate
- Birth certificate or certificate of each of the children.
- We went to the Planetarium and they gave us a master class on the Solar System, we agreed to an astronomical show and we observed the Moon and some other stars through telescopes.
Interactive exercise to practice
Follow with:
- Appointment
- Analogy
- Question
- Exemplification
- enumeration paragraphs