I would like(abbreviated I'd like) is used in English to order politely. It is also used to express wishes. It means “I would like”, “I would like”, “I would like”. For example: Yowould like a cheeseburger, please./ I would like a cheeseburger, please.
Yo quiero It is used in English to make requests in informal contexts. It is a more direct and less friendly way than would like. It means "I want". For example:Yowanted some coffee. / I want coffee.
I needIt is used in English to express need. It means "I need". For example:Yoneed you./ I need you.
I likeIt is used in English to express tastes in general. It means "I like". For example: Yolike series. / I like series.
Attention: I would like, I want, I needand I likecan be followed by both noun like to infinitive. I like can also be followed by gerund.
See also: Verbs to express likes and preferences in English
Examples with I would like
Yowould like some tea, please. I would like some tea, please.
Yowould like a ticket for the show. I would like a ticket to the show.