Importance of Calligraphy
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
Surely many of us have heard about Calligraphy, or have even gone to schools where this discipline is still taught, being this intended to provide an improvement and a study focused on the Handwriting, analyzing not only everything related to the Letter Artistic, but also how each of these letters has a Basic Design, which allows it to be recognized as such as part of an alphabet certain.
Making the shopping list, writing a birthday card, or filling out a form at the bank are examples of simple tasks that show us that calligraphy is still an important part of our lives daily.
The history of writing dates back to very ancient times.
It started with simple pictographs drawn on a rock, which were combined to represent ideas and with the Over time they became more abstract symbols that were used to store information and communicate it to the rest. This way of communication It evolved and today there are countless writing systems in the world.
In the practice of it, we are not only taught to Write with Elegance, but we also take into account the different Writing Techniques, which are learned easily depending on the different Writing Elements that we use at the time of writing by hand, having different difficulties for those of us who write and counting each one of them with different Execution Speeds, depending on the ability and the affinity or habit that we have with it at the time of write.
After the invention of the Printers, added to other technologies that present a mechanized writing, with derivations such as the Typewriters, and especially Computers, it is thought that Calligraphy is gradually disappearing, but the truth is that is still present in the application and invention of New Fonts that are used in these devices, being applied in the world of Advertising and the Graphic design, in addition to other expressions linked to the artistic environment.
One of the branches of Calligraphy that is currently used is focused on the study of the Traits that define a person's own writing, and can be applied or either to obtain a Psychological Profile of it (the science known as Graphology) or its application for identification and recognition of writings, known as Forensic Calligraphy, also called Documentology, allowing in the latter case the adjudication or not of an author carrying out a comparative study and the elaboration of an Opinion Expert.
Benefits of learning to write by hand
The handwriting process helps us develop fine motor skills in childhood, which in turn support communication skills in primary education. The simple act of picking up a pen or pencil correctly guiding it along the paper is no small feat, as certain motor skills are perfected from the moment the brain sends the signals to the hands. According to some specialists, with the increase in the use of tablets and other tactile devices, children have fewer opportunities to develop skills necessary for some daily tasks, such as buttoning clothes or tying shoes.
On the other hand, calligraphy promotes clear thinking and natural structure. When writing by hand, an area of the brain known as the Reticular Activation System is activated, through which this organ filters the information it processes, prioritizing those things on which we are concentrating actively. In other words, the brain will pay more attention to what we write than to what is happening around us.
Finally, writing stimulates our neural connections, helping to delay the aging process, since it involves abilities such as memory, visual, motor and mental capacity.
Calligraphy as a form of expression
One thing we lose by giving up handwritten notes is the "fingerprint»Unique, that each one of us imprints on her writing. Handwriting traits are a very personal thing, especially in cursive writing, which is no longer taught in some schools. Since our writing styles are unique, by replacing them with technology we are giving up a special identifier that distinguishes us from others. Writing is a reflection of our personality.
The impact of technology on our way of writing
In recent years, modern technology has dramatically changed the way we communicate through writing. However, despite the increased use of computers and mobile devices, calligraphy remains important in education, employment, and everyday life.
The time dedicated to teaching and learning letters in the early years will pay off over time. Writing legibly quickly and with little conscious effort improves a child's level of text comprehension, this is important Because without this ability, students will not be able to perform adequately academically and may lose opportunities for learning.
Beyond formal education, most employment situations will involve at least some of the writing and any will require the communication of critical information, for example, medical notes, prescriptions etc
Writing with pencil and paper continues to be of great importance from the early childhood into adulthood, despite the fact that more and more people are migrating towards media electronics. Interestingly, however, many personal devices have a handwriting recognition feature.
Photos: iStock. Dave Bolton / srdjan111
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