Importance of Energy in all its forms
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
Title of Professor of Biology
Energy is a fundamental conceptualization of physics and of life itself because it is the one that possesses the quality of generating changes in a system, whatever its type and dimension, hence from the scientific perspective, energy has various forms, such as: 1) mechanics; 2) thermal or caloric; 3) electrical; 4) magnetic; 5) chemistry; 6) nuclear; among other. While from the perspective of biology, it represents the resource that makes possible the existence of the life from a complex system of permanent transformation of energy that the sun itself is capable of toast. As the fundamental force that governs the Universe, energy has been directly responsible for the creation of everything that exists, which is why All matter has a mathematically inseparable link with energy, as Einstein demonstrated in his most masterful equations.
energetically vital
All living organisms and even viruses need energy to perform basic functions such as metabolic reactions, locomotion and reproduction, being It is also essential to maintain body temperature, either as a function of a homeostatic system or by obtaining heat from sources external.
On the other hand, energy also plays a fundamental role in the dynamics of ecosystems, from the precise moment in which the rays Solar energy is captured by plants through photosynthesis, to then transfer their energy to primary, secondary and tertiaries, through what has been established as a trophic chain, being finally released to the soil through the decomposition of the organic matter, which contributes to the nutrient cycle and the availability of resources for living beings, in a cycle that naturally does not would have an end
growth and comfort
In everyday life, energy is present in everything we do, from food to transport and lighting, having become a essentially essential resource for the vast majority of human activities and industrial processes, varying the energy requirement depending on of multiple factors, ranging from the characteristics of the processes, to the mentality of energy consumption that each person may have for individual.
Energy is also essential for cooling and heating in factories, helping to maintain the right conditions for production, notwithstanding the caloric energy that these refrigeration processes generate as a consequence, can be in most cases much greater than the heat that they manage to extract from the refrigerated spaces, contributing as massively as silently to the increase in warming global.
From start to finish today, each type of product made by man requires a great transformation process and energy consumption, even the simplest. crafts that could well appear to be recreational manual work, have required the investment of energy through the artisan's body to be elaborated, without counting the fact that the very raw material he used, even if it was a rock or a seed, existed in its original form thanks to the energy available in nature that allowed the processes chemical and physical for its generation, to which must also be added the energy cost that the transfer of these products will represent from the hands of their creator, to those of the end buyer. As you will see, there is nothing that can be possible without the concept of energy being associated with it.
Not even thought itself is free from such a notion, since by itself, it is the purest manifestation of energy passing from neuron to neuron through the brain.
changing the fonts
The prevailing current state of consciousness about the consequences of human dynamics concerning the models of obtaining and consuming energy and the great environmental risks produced by the implementation of fossil fuels, such as oil and natural gas, is guiding the vision towards the need to implement on a large scale the use of renewable energies, such as solar, wind and hydraulic energy, as more energy sources that do not generate greenhouse gas emissions, also allowing the promotion of energy independence and its long-term sustainability term.
However, there are still multiple factors that are not easy to transform, so that this possibility becomes the only one way of obtaining energy for the maintenance of the human lifestyle, without the rest of nature also having to pay for it. it.
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