Importance of Beach Flags - Sea
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
There is an interesting code of signals in open maritime spaces that allow us to know what the state from the sea and if it is advisable or not to enter it, either to bathe as any tourist does or to navigate. This is what is known as the beach or sea flags and they are really very useful if one wants to be safe and avoid dangerous situations.
They are striking elements that are usually represented in colors to be seen more easily.
These types of signals are equated by many specialists and analysts on the subject with the signals Roads that indicate how a person should move in the urban environment and especially if he walks in a vehicle. Maritime signals fulfill a similar function since they seek to alert about the state of the sea so that the people, whether or not they know about the maritime conditions, can act responsibly and avoid possible dangers.
The beach flags are arranged simply in order to get the message across. Since they do not have written legends, the message is semantized in the colors that each one has and thus, we can know if it is convenient to enter the sea or not. For example, red is used as the
color which means bathing ban, while the light blue represents good sea conditions, generally calm. When the flag is completely black, people are asked to leave the sea due to the danger of thunder and black flags with a yellow or red border mean that the sea is active and therefore not recommended get into.The establishment of these icons has been a public policy to prevent accidents
It is clear today that because beaches are public spaces and no one but the State controls what happens on them, it is also responsibility of the same to carry out the practices that prevent accidents and report on particular situations.
When the beaches began to slowly become popular or mass vacation spaces, it was necessary to establish a code of behavior that would make even people who do not know anything about the sea and its operation know how to Act. This is how these symbols were created, whose importance is today central to avoid problems, possible deaths or disappearances under the waves. In any case, these signs must always be accompanied by the presence of lifeguards and guards who check that people comply with the rules and act if necessary.
Images: Fotolia. Kushch Dmitry / Oleksandr Bondar
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