Importance of Nature
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
Our relationship with nature.- Since we were little we are used to admiring the wonders of plants and flowers on a daily basis, we like to interact with domestic animals and know how to care for them, feed them and protect them. In many cases, we become attached to them as if they were part of our family. Also from our childhood we marvel at those animals that are wild and that elegantly move around our environment or in distant places looking for their food. We can observe them in places specially conditioned for that, such as zoos or parks. botanists and it is necessary for humans to know how to maintain, conserve and care for those places and their inhabitants as corresponds.
Nature is also present when we look at the landscape and are amazed by its beauty, when it rains and we watch the drops fall on our window. Sometimes we are scared by thunder and very violent and dangerous weather phenomena such as tornadoes, tidal waves or earthquakes scare us. The sensations that nature generates in us are infinite. All this proves to us that our life is in direct relationship with nature and although sometimes we believe that we no longer need it, it is in everything and we must take care of it.
Nature as the basis of scientific study
In addition to being part of our daily life, nature also sets the support and base of the field of study of Biological Sciences, having interference therefore in everything related to living beings and everything that has been created without the intervention of the hand of man, including matter inert.
All these elements that since time immemorial are analyzed and investigated by different human societies are what have allowed the creation and perfection of the scientific study: the generation of hypotheses, the collection of data and information, the verification and the affirmation or denial of that hypothesis. He scientific method is in full force for the natural Sciences and biological.
But the sciences do not only seek to understand natural elements by themselves, isolated, but are interested in plant and animal species, how they interact and carry out their activities modifying each other, giving rise to a balance that is called an ecosystem and that is relative to the environment where they operate and to the characteristic that it has.
In addition to studying living beings, the natural sciences are concerned and interested in the planet Earth, our home and the house of all living beings, the changes it has undergone throughout history and how its inhabitants adapt to their characteristics. Phenomena such as the formation of mountains, the increase in temperature, the formation of water, are clear examples of this since that directly influence the appearance of animal and plant species but also their survival through the millennia.
Caring for nature as an ethical necessity
From all that has been established, it is clear that our relationship with nature is intrinsic. We could not exist without her, without all her resources and elements, without everything that makes her so perfect, beautiful and dangerous. As rational beings, it is up to us to make the necessary effort so that everything that it offers us continues to exist in the most original conditions. possible, so that it continues to be a source of resources and beauty, so that other living beings can survive alongside us on the complex planet on which we live.
It is important to understand then that the care of the Environment It will not only allow us to enjoy the natural landscapes and everything that nature has created in millions of years of evolution, but it will also be a way of being able to take care of ourselves, as members of said ecosystem, as those who need it and must protect it for their own well-being, avoiding the imbalances that can end our survival, that destroy the beauty and harmony of nature, that leave indelible marks on it and endanger danger life. Our responsibility is total in the face of these problems and therefore we must act accordingly to ensure our lives that belongs to us and that of other living beings that suffer these changes without being able to do anything about it.
Photos: iStock. Photohota/swissmediavision
- jafeth banegasMar, 2022
very good information I got a 10 in my homework
- diana andreaOct 2022
I liked the information and I got a 10 in Spanish😜
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