Importance of Facing Reality
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
Some events that affect our lives can be uncomfortable or unpleasant. Before them we can react in many ways: with indifference, denial, or creating some psychological barrier that protects us. All these formulas have something in common, because with them one escapes from reality.
This escape is a psychological defense mechanism, but it does not serve to solve problems. In this sense, it could be said that the best solution to any conflict is to face the problem face to face.
Problems don't solve themselves
Not facing reality is a position that, in principle, may be reasonable. In fact, we often think that problems will go away on their own or that it is better to look the other way to avoid possible conflicts with others.
Although there are no infallible solutions to problems, as a general rule the worst solution is to ignore them and not face the reality of the facts.
What do we get by facing reality?
First, this strategy allows us to feel good about ourselves. If I say to myself "I am going to find a solution to my problem", I am being brave and determined and this psychological predisposition will make me feel satisfied. On the contrary, if through some psychological mechanism I manage to avoid my
responsibility, it is very likely that I subconsciously know that I am doing it wrong.Second, facing reality is, in a way, our obligation. moral. Thus, if someone hurts us with his bad actions and we do nothing for some reason, our conduct is ethically reprehensible, since we have allowed evil to prevail.
Thirdly, by facing the facts with determination and without self-deception, we are taking a very important step to improve the situation. Let's think of someone who is told by a doctor that they have a disease. The first reaction will be fear and worry. Once the initial shock of the bad news has been overcome, the patient has two options: resign himself because he considers that he cannot do anything or adopt a attitude combative and positive to overcome the disease.
Finally, certain undesirable social phenomena can change, but a change will only occur if we do something, that is, if we face the reality that we find unpleasant. The social exclusion of women, the job Childhood or slavery were widespread realities in the past, but they ceased to be so because some people They decided to face these problems.
Images. Fotolia. Gregory Lee – Dr322