Importance of International Treaties
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
They are legal agreements between nations that help facilitate relationships of all kinds between them. It can be of many kinds: economic, political, social, cultural, military, etc. Thanks to these, the countries mutually benefit by creating links that, in the end, favor the signatories and, by extension, all the inhabitants of the countries.
The most common are usually those related to the economy, referring to export and import of all kinds of social products, referring to the entry and exit of foreigners in the countries, extraditions, people accused of crimes in their countries of origin, etc… military, reaching agreements related to the purchase and sale of weapons or cooperation between them.
Currently, the most important are those that refer to cooperation between countries for development, those considered third world countries and the so-called emerging countries. The countries with more resources are more aware that it is currently important to investment in these countries and the relationship with them because they are new markets in which to invest and, furthermore, it is difficult for them to achieve development through their own means in a short period of time.
time.Some of the reasons for helping these countries are wars, poverty, lack of natural resources, the lack of industrial fabric, etc. That is why international treaties are accompanied by specific and direct action plans for the countries that sign the treaties.
Although the main idea of international treaties is that they positively benefit the signatory countries, it is also true that on certain occasions these are signed for the opposite, such as the blocking of exports, and imports of all guy. They can also block the free movement of people out of the country, so agreements can also significantly harm the countries they are targeted at.
Although it is a source of demonstration of the economic and political power of some nations, it is true that they have helped the development of many countries and that they continue to do so. This is due to the fact that many treaties, although they have been signed many years ago, continue to have a very important validity.
Each sovereign territory that signs these agreements makes this independence much more real on paper than in reality, since the links between the different countries can be so strong that, in case of If any of the signed treaties were to be broken, it would seriously harm the stability of one of the two, which is why the signing of any treaty is always carried out after many meetings, previous agreements and, above all, being clear about the consequences of the decision itself. signature.
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