Importance of the Power Source (power supply)
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
The source of can, also known as source of feeding, or in Englishpower supply, is in charge of feeding electricity to all the devices of a computer that are connected to the motherboard of this, that is, to give them the necessary energy for them to work. Making a similarity with the human body, if the motherboard is the brain, the power source would be the heart.
It is therefore a vital component for a PC, since without it it would not work. A failure in the power supply can cause failures in other computer devices, so we must make sure that it works correctly. In addition, it is very important that its capacity (usually measured in Watts) is sufficient to cover the power needs of all internal components connected to the motherboard of the computer. Obviously the power supply does not intervene if the devices are connected directly to the current (eg: printers, most monitors...), but it does with the rest.
It is therefore recommended that the power of the source be such that it allows it to function comfortably, since the Computers are devices to which accessories are usually added that will end up asking for the energy to work to this If we overloaded the computer with mice, keyboards, cameras, lights, hard drives, disk drives, recorders, graphics cards... and the power was already going very fair, it is possible that a failure occurs in a device that prevents it from working because it does not have the necessary power, and the computer does not work. There are sources from 300 Watts for small computers up to 1000 W for computers with great demands. In any case, you have to be careful with the nominal and real Watts, since many cheap power supplies are inefficient and lose a large amount of energy. I've seen 450W rated power supplies that really only worked at just over 300W. It is important if you buy a fountain on your own that you include the efficiency with which it works.
The power supply is actually a very simple device. On the one hand, it converts the alternating current that comes from the electrical supply into direct current, and distributes it among the devices that request it. It therefore acts as a transformer, rectifier and as a regulator at its output, to avoid voltage spikes that damage the devices. Consider that most of the internal devices of the computer need very small amounts of energy continuous, with little voltage, and that if they were supplied directly from the network the most immediate consequence would be that they would melt The source not only gives energy, but also protects these elements and gives stability to the whole system.
Some sources also include surge protection, so it may be worth spending a little more for a good source in places with poor power supply. Also, if the source is going to be continuously on, it is recommended that it have a good cooling system with one or more fans to dissipate the heat.
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