Importance of Mood
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
Title of Professor of Biology
Moods have a greater relevance than is usually given, due to being the physical expression of a reality neurochemistry that, on many occasions, may be warning us of something more forceful than a mere common reaction to the events of life. Taking into account the behavior of our mind in a conscious way, can allow us certain advantages such as: 1) development of self-awareness of our reactions, expressions and attitudes; 2) opportunity to increase and exercise better empathy; 3) observe the impact that situations and emotions have on us, for a better personal performance; 4) to realize in time the underlying affectations of our psyche; 5) seek professional therapeutic help and the necessary support in the face of circumstances that may be affecting us negatively.
purpose in life
One of the factors that currently have the greatest impact on the state of mind of people is based on their own life expectations and performance towards the achievement of a certain purpose, coupled with the pressure of assuming that each one of us should have it Clearly. However, most of the time we find ourselves carrying out activities for the mere fact of complying with the obligations imposed from external realities, such as academic studies, work functions, and even some group demands social situations, situations that may well end up generating high levels of frustration and dissatisfaction, the most nutritious foods in the world discouragement.
Being able to assume these burdens from a less personal perspective, assuming them as simple parts of the rest of the life process and making us capable of making decisions forceful towards directing us in ways and actions more in line with what we really want to do, becomes a direct leverage to satisfaction, a feeling that, due to the On the contrary, it stimulates the development and maintenance of positive mood states, such as the feeling of fullness, optimism and the experimentation of love and happiness for ourselves. and what we do.
When motivation does not lead to success
On the other hand, moods such as irritability and depression are an unequivocal sign that something is not right, becoming products of a clash between the expectation of the results that we hope to obtain and the adverse reality that Presents itself. And it is that in these, as well as in all other situations in life, the state of mind maintains an indivisible link with our attitude, seeing itself modeled by the way in which we assume the facts, and in turn, becoming a direct source of food of attitude, hence the transcendental importance of being observant of the moods that direct our thoughts and procedures.
Delegating the responsibility of the state of mind for the results that we can obtain in the various activities becomes one of the biggest mistakes. that prevent most people from being able to fully enjoy their own lives, a situation that can trigger a wide variety of personality disorders, which subsequently require a professional therapeutic intervention, so establishing an adequate intervention on moods that are established in us for a very long time, it is an efficient tool to maintain not only a positive attitude, but also the mental health.
In joy and sadness
Learning to deal correctly with circumstances, through a healthy management of the emotions that they evoke in us, will serve to help us maintain a state of more balanced mood, which in turn will allow us to enjoy the joy of living, but without fantasies and illusions dragging us towards decision making impulsive due to the desire to experience new experiences, without measuring the possible consequences, and also to cope with moments of sadness and pain, such as the loss of a loved one, preventing it from becoming a picture of depression that takes over mental control, with negative repercussions in all other aspects of the life.
The mood defines the inner state in which a person is from the emotional point of view. While the feeling and emotion are more changeable, more intense and arise based on the moment, on the contrary, the mood is less intense, more lasting and prolonged. The feeling or emotion is the response to a stimulus, on the contrary, the state of mind is the background of the person, it is less specific, less concrete and less defined.
The mood can also be changeable, however, it usually changes after a few hours or even after several days. True happiness arises from having achieved a stability of mind, otherwise, in case of living with constant mood swings, the person suffers a lot due to their instability.
The mood can be pleasant or unpleasant. A person feels good when she is happy and satisfied with her present situation. At a time like this, everything flows better. On the other hand, when a person is angry, sad or down, he also sees reality from a more negative perspective. The state of mind shows permanent attitudes over time that define the person's way of being. That is, there are people who tend to be more positive and smiling, while others tend to be more melancholic on a regular basis.
Within the possibilities, and the capacity, the ideal is that you decide your state of mind, that is, that you consciously decide how you want to feel. To do this, you have to focus on attention in thought. When you have positive thoughts you feel better because the thought influences the feeling and this is reflected in the action. There are people whose most difficult moment is the morning, when they need their rhythm to adapt to the routine of the new day.
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Zúñiga, A., Villegas, M., & Torres, C. (2005). Mood disorders. UNAM.
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