Importance of the Impact of Pesticides
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
One of the biggest problems that is not visible, at least not to the naked eye, is the large amount of toxic substances present in the food we eat on a daily basis. Is about pesticides and herbicides substances that together are known as pesticides.
These substances, belonging to various chemical types, are used to control insects and microorganisms such as fungi that can affect crops. Although they appear to be completely necessary, they have a number of adverse effects on human health. Many of these effects can cause permanent damage and injury, such as myelomeningocele associated with the use of alcohol-based products. hydrocarbons.
This makes it a hot topic. The importance of the impact of pesticides lies in the fact that it is a subject about which not much is known but which has a great impact both for those who handle and apply it and for those who consume the food on which they were applied.
Effect on human health
Once these substances enter the body, they can cause a series of damages.
The conditions most frequently associated with exposure to pesticides are malignant and degenerative diseases.
Malignant diseases encompass various types of cancer. The most common are tumors such as leukemia and lymphoma.
Among the degenerative disorders, the most common are the disease of the germ cells, which alters the reproductive capacity causing infertility or the appearance of congenital malformations in the offspring. Others include degenerative problems mainly at the level of the nervous system such as painful neuropathies and paralysis.
Responsible use or prohibition of these products?
agrotoxic products must be used only by people duly trained to do so.
It is necessary that those who must handle these substances are familiar with the way in which they can enter the organism, the adverse effects that they can cause, the preventive behaviors to follow, as well as their proper use and handling.
Many times agricultural workers end up "sprayed" with these products, or do not use protective equipment adequate, worse still it is possible that they recycle the containers of these substances to store water or other products of consumption.
Specialists on the subject agree that the first step is to prohibit the use of these products until they are sure that the population general, and especially the groups that handle these substances, are duly educated in these aspects.
It must also be taken into account that it is possible that products labeled as safe or low toxic may have a much greater adverse effect on the body than is believed to have.
One way to combat the use of agrochemicals in the long term is through the awareness of the need to prefer organic foods over those transgenic as a measure to prevent the damage of pesticides on health.
Image: Fotolia. dan177, funkyfrog