Importance of Postmodernity
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
The philosophical and cultural approaches of postmodernity allow us to understand the vision of the world of many individuals. There are certain ways of thinking, living and creating that are the logical consequence of this historical period.
Some of the beginning generals of this intellectual and cultural current could be the following: there are no absolute truths and everything is relative, we must be wary of any utopian or religion with promises of liberation, excessive confidence in human reason is a false illusion and the idea of unlimited progress of humanity is a fantasy product of our wishes.
These mental schemes and others like them are genuinely postmodern and with all of them expresses a rejection of any proposal, be it political, cultural or religious, that aspires to the emancipation of being human
In a simplified way, it can be affirmed that postmodern man distances himself from God and from trust in reason, he adopts individualistic positions to situate himself in the world around him and he finds himself disoriented in the face of the multiplicity of currents and ideas.
For the gurus of postmodernity, the models of the past have proven their failure
After World War II humanity as a whole was faced with a general disappointment. In other words, no religious ideal or principle had served to prevent the death of millions of people.
As a result of this collective failure, postmodernists claim that the only thing we can do as individuals is to create our personal "little story" and forget about any "big story" (communism, capitalism, Christianity or any other global worldview).
Multiplicity, multiculturalism and counterculture
For postmodernists there is no fixed path for humanity, but rather there are as many paths as there are individual and collective perspectives. This implies that instead of believing in a general dogma that explains reality as a whole (for example, religious or political beliefs), the human being he faces a complex and diverse world that allows him to create a multiple existence in which anything goes.
Multiculturalism is another of the consequences of postmodernity. In many academic and social spheres, the idea that all beliefs and cultures have the same validity has prevailed and, therefore, it does not make sense to appeal to universal values or to a hegemonic cultural model that should be imposed on the the rest.
Between the 1950s and 1970s, very diverse countercultural currents arose: hippies, beatniks, punks, underground culture, etc. Somehow all of them express something in common: the modern world inspired by the ideals of Illustration it is dead and we must build new alternatives.
Image. Fotolia. nuvolanevicata
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