Importance of Political Parties
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
Political parties as we know them today originated with the emergence of a new form of government: thedemocracy, that although it arose in the times of Ancient Greece, many centuries of non-democratic governments followed, that is, the rulers were not "representatives elected by the people" as established by democracy, but their succession was given by blood lineage (as in the case of monarchies) or the belonging to a certain social class (in general, the elites) as the case of the aristocracy.
A political party is a group of people who share among themselves a certain ideology regarding the way to govern a specific territory and that includes all measures regarding public policies that can improve the quality of life of people, through different tendencies or currents of thought. In this way, throughout the 20th century, for example, it is very common to be able to recognize political parties "from the right" and political parties "from the left". What does this distinction mean? In general, political parties
"from the left" are associated with what was the socialism (as in the case of the former Soviet Union) a regime in which the role of the State as an intervener in the field, for example, of the economy is exalted, through market regulation.On the contrary, the political parties called "from the right" tend to be those who defend the current of the capitalism, and, following the aspect of the economy raised in the previous example, in the case of these political currents, They consider that the market has the capacity for self-regulation, for which reason an intervention by the government is not necessary. State.
Political parties are often made up or at least led by people who have studied Politic science, but they may also have graduated from other academic disciplines such as economics, law or international relations, among many others. Likewise, anyone who shares the ideology proposed by said party can be part of a political party. These people often have to register with the party if they want to be part of it as an affiliate, or they can adhere supporting the party with the vote, which in a democratic regime is the pass that the people grant to the parties to govern.
On the other hand, it is also very frequent that, in order to add votes or share positions, alliances between different political parties that have similar ideologies.
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