Importance of Bioelements
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
The cells of living organisms have a function that can only be understood if we pay attention to their fundamental structures, the molecules or bioelements. The best known bioelements are nucleic acids, carbs, lipids and proteins. All of them are made up of atoms, which are all the elements of the periodic table.
In other words, a bioelement is a combination of atoms and this combination is what allows the living beings can perform their vital functions.
The metabolic reactions of living organisms are produced by the interaction of primary and secondary bioelements
Carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur, and hydrogen are in the primary category because their presence is very common in cell structures. They constitute more than 95% of living matter. They are essential for life because they allow basic functions, such as the respiration of animals, the photosynthesis in plants or power transmission.
Those Secondaries are also important, since without them the cells of the organisms would stop functioning. function properly (some of the most significant are magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium and potassium). If we take calcium as a reference, applied in our body is what allows the formation of bone structure and teeth and, at the same time, is involved in muscle contraction and pressure sanguine.
The interaction of both types of bioelements is what enables the proper functioning of the metabolism
Humans can digest food correctly when primary and secondary foods are in the right proportions in our body.
The bioelements reach the cellular structures through the feeding, since these molecules also constitute the nutrients integrated into food. In this sense, knowing these substances is a fundamental issue to lead a healthy life.
The knowledge of these agents allows us to give an answer to certain fundamental questions to understand life.
Since the most remote times, human beings have wondered where life comes from or what living beings are made of. The answers to these approaches are found precisely in the functioning of the bioelements. Thanks to them we can differentiate living matter from inanimate matter.
Images: Fotolia. krishna / raimund14
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