Importance of Integration
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
Integration is a dynamic process in which all sectors of the population they are implicated. And when we talk about this concept we are not only referring to people disadvantaged, with few resources, foreigners, etc. We are talking about the fact that both the administrations, the private sectors and those involved themselves must direct their efforts so that, when there are inequalities or problems that prevent it, integration can be possible.
Refering to public administration, it has to offer all its resources at a social, economic and political level, so that no sector of the population is disadvantaged. If we refer to foreign people, all facilities must be given so that those who arrive in our country well be it to live, work, etc., they have sufficient knowledge, not only from the rights they have, but also from the obligations. It is important that the most important aspects in terms of legislation, freedoms, rights, etc. are aware of them and, not only, financial aid, subsidies, etc. from which they can benefit. It is also important, on the part of this population, the knowledge of uses and customs of the country in which they are going to be. In this way, integration in the destination country will be much easier.
If we refer to integration from the social point of view, we are talking about a quite important problem, since the inequalities in a country can reach certain limits intolerable. That is why public administrations have to worry and take care that the economic difference of their citizens are the minimum and, on the other hand, fight so that people with few or no resources can have a minimum of welfare.
If we also refer to integration from an economic point of view, it should be noted that private companies have to provide the most appropriate conditions for workers can have a good enough economy to be able to live, save and, at the same time, be able to consume to help the economy of the country. If we only focus the economy on making money, investing little and reducing the purchasing power of citizens, economic integration is quite complicated.
Finally, if we talk about integration from the personal point of view of each one, we are referring to our capacity and resources to accept the coexistence with other people from different countries, cultures, creeds, etc... to fight for the economy of a country to benefit all citizens and not just a few few and, how could it be otherwise, be critical, from a positive point of view, with the government's policies regarding social, economic, etc
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