Importance of Goals
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
We all have dreams in some corner of our mind. Normally they are vague dreams and without a specific plan associated with them, such as becoming a millionaire, living in a house surrounded by luxury, finding love or going around the world. However, not everyone has specific goals accompanied by an action plan and is willing to fight until the end to achieve them.
Guidelines so that the goals to be achieved are not simple dreams
– We should ask ourselves with total sincerity and honesty what do we really want.
– The burning desire to achieve a goal is the starting point. If we really want to reach a goal, we will be willing to overcome all obstacles and adverse situations.
– The energy that drives our actions is the faith we have in ourselves. If we do not believe in our strength and ability all goals they are unreachable.
– The goal has to be credible and not a fantasy that goes beyond our real capabilities.
– A great project is not achieved overnight, so you have to be patient and tenacious. If someone wants to reduce her weight by 30 kilos, it is convenient to set short and medium-term goals to gradually approach the final goal.
– For any goal to make sense, it is necessary to implement an action plan and, above all, comply with it.
The power of excuses
It is relatively easy to find a justification for giving up our desires. Some of the most common are the following: it was too difficult, I did not have enough support, it is not the right time for this project... Humans are true experts in the art of finding excuses convincing. If we find an excuse that diverts us from our goal, it is very likely that the desire to achieve it was not totally sincere.
Beware of fears, they can sweep away all desires
With a good excuse it is possible that we will give up our initial objectives. Another of the threats that hinder the path to victory is fear in its different versions. We are afraid of failure, of being wrong, of being criticized by others, or of facing our own fear. In any of its variants, fear is the great obstacle that we must overcome to fight for our goals.
There are no magic formulas
We all know famous phrases that summarize the keys to success, illuminating gurus who claim to know the proper course to achieve success or self-help books that provide us with advice to improve ourselves day by day day. You can learn from all this, but only within ourselves will we find the strength to fight for our goals.
It could then be considered that the need to satisfy a need would be the point for a given activity, which has a methodology specific or generally applied action, and that the objective is one of the goals that are proposed to us, later learning to correct a overall difficulty being applied in an endless number of similar cases, or in a particular way, specific to said problem.
The establishment of goals or objectives in our daily life is one of the ways to achieve the motivation necessary to carry out an activity, having for this purpose a planning or methodology that allows us to arrive at this conclusion in a systematic way and trying to ensure that chance is not a determining factor, in addition to having the knowledge or requirements that this result needs to be achieved.
Every day we are subjected to a greater or lesser extent to a goal that we set for ourselves without thinking about it, from the reach a destination when we are traveling, to the performance of a specific activity in the labor sphere, and even proposing the choice of a college career It is precisely the method to achieve the objective of the bachelor's degree that we long for
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