Importance of Support
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
A term associated more than anything to the world of family rightIn the legal world, 'maintenance' is that act by which one person supports another until they are considered of legal age and capable of being independent, or for life if the person cannot fend for themselves same.
Etymology and explanation of the term
Unlike what happens with other words, the concept of maintenance is very simple and very visible in a concrete sense. The word comes from the Latin language and literally means "to hold in the hand." In this way, it serves as a concept to refer to the idea of supporting someone by covering the expenses that that person may have. Its Latin origin is understandable if we take into account that it was the Romans who developed a large part of the current legal lexicon and the field of right.
Maintenance as an ethical act
We can describe maintenance as an act that implies great values of morality and ethics. This is because it means assuming the responsibility that one as an adult has on those who have not yet passed the age of majority and are of his lineage, whether biological or political. Maintenance implies coverage of all expenses and expenses that a person may have from birth to death. becomes independent and this is a wide range that implies from something as simple and elemental as food to all the
services and objects that a child may need (clothing, health, education, entertainment, etc.).The maintenance of a boy or girl is the direct responsibility of her parents. In the event that they are not present, the responsibility passes directly to a secondary relative or it can also be This is the case of a tutor, who voluntarily and consciously assumes the role of father or mother to take care of these issues.
The issue around child support and divorce
When a couple with children decides to end the marriage bond, whether or not it has been completed legally, one of the first things to resolve is everything that has to do with the support of children or minors involved in that relationship.
Parents must agree on how to support their children, and regardless of how or with whom they live, the parent who stops sharing the household must be responsible for delivering to the other party an agreed percentage of their earnings or salary destined to maintain the quality of life of the minors.
Image: Fotolia. Pololia / John Takai
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