Importance of Living in Society
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
For thousands of years human beings have lived immersed in a social structure. In this sense, every human group presents the following elements:
1) a political system and rules that regulate daily life,
2) a series of economic activities that allow subsistence and
3) a series of aspects that we share (a common language, leisure activities, popular customs, etc.). All this forms a complex social framework.
Man is a social being by nature.
The man is, unlike many animals, a social being. This implies that his survival as an individual is impossible without interaction with other people.
If we were alone we could not reproduce, communicate, or learn from others. In short, the life of each person would be impoverished in every way.
You could say that life in society It is not good or bad, but it is practically inevitable.
In order for life in society to remain in harmony, it is very convenient that a series of conditions be met:
1) that there are rules that regulate life in society and that these rules are respected by the majority,
2) that one lives in a climate of tolerance towards any belief, tendency or idea and
3) that people have a independence economically and can live in peace and freedom.
Alternatives to life in society
throughout the history there have been cases of alternative formulas to life in society. From a religious or philosophical point of view, there have been people who have decided to isolate themselves from others (hermits and monks who live in a community or groups that do not want to be part of society and create their own communities).
Life in the abbeys of the Middle Ages, the Amish community or the hippie lifestyle are three concrete examples of organizational structures detached from society, either partially or completely. It should be noted that these types of alternatives are an exception on the planet as a whole.
The case of the homeless
In most countries there are individuals who find themselves in an atypical situation: they are part of society, but live outside of it. Homeless people are not fully integrated due to some kind of problem (isolation, lack of work, alcoholism...).
Regardless of the reasons that these situations may cause, the group of people without home reveals a reality: there are people who do not adjust to social reality established.
Images: Fotolia. scusi / lalilele13
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