Importance of Writing
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
A newsroom enables the dissemination of knowledge and debate, within a sociocultural ecosystem in constant expansion, for this reason it is a practice that tries to instill from the early years educational. Sitting down to write involves a process of reflection and critical and intellectual capacity in order to transmit thoughts on a support that allows dissemination or publication. introspection. Each text is thought and elaborated according to the objectives, it is not the same to do a school project than to publish a journalistic news, or a degree thesis, so it is necessary to have prior knowledge of the structural elements that govern each format to be able to work on it. On the other hand, the newsroom is called both the set of journalistic professionals of a medium/institution and the physical space where they work.
In the school environment, one has to collect and interpret information to elaborate on specific arguments; in the news there is the criterion of objectivity and the famous
5W (Who, What, When, Where, and Why) that the journalist has to answer; In the case of the final degree project, an order of presentation and development is identified on a methodology investigation that allows to reveal an innovative question.Within the broad classification of texts that one can think of, the premises work for everyone: learn about the subject until allowing yourself to have a solid opinion, understand the structural and style rules, express oneself in a formal way, organize ideas and express them judiciously, rely on linguistic resources such as punctuation marks, have a good enough spelling to dispense with Word proofing, and pretend to be original. No article can delve into an unsubstantiated topic, omit relevant data that was discovered at the end. of the writing to avoid having to make corrections, likewise, one does not write in the same way as one does among friends for WhatsApp. There is an ethical and moral commitment to veracity, also considering the exposure when one publicly accompanies the work with his signature.
A writing can be done individually or in a group, in the latter case numerous challenges arise from finding meeting points between the thought and dedication of each one. It is essential to debate the positions, and the topics of approach, interviews and/or tests can be divided, trying to maintain a central axis of coherence.
Elements to keep in mind
The title is one of the crucial elements, which has to be satisfied in the text, that is, the reader cannot be misled. It is the first contact with the text, and for this reason it does not have to be something far-fetched, but rather concise, weighty, and self-explanatory.
Regarding the development, typically a writing is organized between a beginning, a middle and an outcome, however, given the current dynamics, which includes times short to process things, and small spaces like the mobile screen, the presentation needs strength, with key elements that in the following lines are develops in greater detail, instead of superficial or decorative statements, and without forcing one to read the entire text to reach the main theme announced in title. In the case of newsrooms, the data and the citation of the supporting sources are essential, now more than ever, a consequence of the trend of fake news, so it is useless to provide figures nowhere.
Not everyone is capable of putting what they think adequately on paper or on the mobile screen, regardless of the level of study, of In fact, there are journalists and literary authors who do not know how to write in an original way and who flaunt their titles based on effort and dedication. dedication. Because writing requires creativity, imagination and knowledge. It has to be a somewhat natural act, and improved from practice.
Dedicate time to originality and participate in the digital library
You cannot copy or reformulate what has been done by another, which is very common in all areas and levels, beginning from the mischief of having a school task solved in minutes, perhaps whoever is reading these lines came here with such aim. The educational field is an important training space, where one learns to compare and question texts, however, it tends to fall into the problematic of limiting students to the summary of books, without understanding what it is about, or memorizing things instead of reflecting on the same. The problem with both cases is that one is transmitting the ideas of another, and at no time does space open up for one's own.
«everything is already written» some will say, however, new things always emerge from those who seek it. Even historical facts that one would think cannot be changed, for the simple fact that they belong to the past, find different perspectives according to the author and his access.
A paper, as technical/scientific articles based on rigorous studies are called, have their value in the data, and the way in which they are presented goes to the background. Even so, they favor or not the understanding and interest in knowing the results of the investigation. On the other side, there is the person who has to interpret it. In these cases, historically reading was limited to colleagues in the area and specialized communicators, today anyone can have access. The Internet is the dream library, even when many choose to limit their ways of informing themselves to the Facebook feed.
The way we write is a reflection of who we are. Each person has a perception of things and their own style according to their experiences, and knowing how to share them correctly enables individual and collective growth.
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