Importance of Words
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
They reflect what a society thinks, the values that a certain culture and its own represent, they tear down bridges that try to hinder diversity and collective growth, they trace the lines of the objectives to be achieved and identify problems to be solved, as posed for example by the gender language debate, where words take on their maximum relevance. They give life to the laws that govern a society, make it possible for one to respond to injustice or abuse.
Forming a master key, they open the door to the exploration of the communication. However, applied for deception and imposition, words can silence voices, opinions, and be wielded as a weapon for the development of the worst hells.
Vehicles for the expression of ideas and emotions
Being part of a language in which they have knowledge and convention on the part of its users, the words, facilitate the transmission of ideas, feelings, etc.
The first words are manifested and learned during the first years of life, within the home, being causally mom and dad the first ones that we usually express.
Then will come the learning of many more when the school stage begins and the teachers also instruct us on the corresponding syntactic and semantic use.
Understanding and embracing the meaning of words nourishes our vocabulary, and brings clarity and fluidity to our manifestations
Effective communication and expression of opinions is what allows us to know and learn according to the various terms that make up our language, while Their ignorance will have as main consequences the impossibility of professional development and a consequent social isolation due to the impossibility of interacting with others.
On the other hand, the correct use of words brings clarity to communication and removes misunderstandings or lack of understanding of a topic.
When the words are used appropriately, we achieve effectiveness in what we want to transmit or show.
Use the appropriate term to avoid misunderstandings or misinformation
Due to the above, it is very relevant to say and disseminate that those who have a communicative function in the position or place they occupy They must be aware of the importance of the correct use of words, so as not to misinform, so as not to attack or hurt with they.
The way in which something is told and the terms used to tell it will give meaning to that story and will decisively affect the interpretation that the public makes of it.
Proper handling of language will not only allow you to sell more of a product or service, favor a political or religious position, but it will facilitate and nurture our social relationships.
It is at this moment that we leave ambiguous communication behind and seek a specific purpose, so the importance of language lies precisely on a level in the first place syntactic which includes the correct use of linguistic signs, followed by a level semantic with respect to the fact that the terms are correctly used referring to the action or object that we are thinking about, while on the other hand we have a criterion pragmatic wherein the recipient of this message performs the expected response.
Electronic dialogues impoverish language
One of the great threats that hang over words today is the deficient use of them at the request of communication. electronics, the communicative modality that in these times proliferates.
The new technologies allowed us to make significant progress in the possibility of communicating instantly with people who are on the other side. of the planet but it has also degraded the language, limiting it to a few words, to incorrect abbreviations, and to the bad or non-existent use of punctuation marks, motivated by the need for brevity.
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