Importance of Exact Sciences
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
A specific form of knowledge: nothing is left to chance or interpretations.- In the scientific and academic field There are various sciences or forms of knowledge that are classified according to the object of study and the work method that they carry out. cape.
Among the oldest and most complex sciences we find the group of disciplines known as Exact Sciences, those that refer to all calculable, measurable and quantifiable with numbers.
Extremely opposed to other sciences such as the social ones, the exact sciences are characterized by being highly defined, with ways of working, methods and formulations of conclusions that must be respected and that are also organized around objects of study that do not give rise to interpretation: the numbers in all their forms. The exact sciences are not debatable or interpretable as is the case with other sciences. However, their knowledge is transformed as when any other science advances, and hence its importance.
Exact sciences have existed since the world existed
One of the characteristics of the exact sciences is that the knowledge on which they base their knowledge and their work has existed since time immemorial. This is so because already in Antiquity, the first thinkers and mathematicians discovered and established formulas that remain unchanged to this day, for example certain calculations, formulas, etc.
This inalterability possessed by the exact sciences differs greatly from the social Sciences or even of the biological ones because these are sciences that can change with the history and the developments of both humans and the biological world. The exact sciences remain unchanged, although many times they can be improved or made more complex based on new contributions. This is why they are known as hard sciences because knowledge is impenetrable and has to do with abstract aspects.
The invisible importance of the exact sciences
Unlike what happens with all sciences that base their knowledge on elements or phenomena concrete, the exact sciences appear before us as invisible sciences since the objects of study are abstract. Even numbers or logical formulas are symbols that the human being invented to be able to write or communicate knowledge.
However, this does not mean that these sciences are less relevant than others; on the contrary, its importance and its permanent presence in our lives may seem invisible but when When we stop to think, our entire world is surrounded by numbers, equations, percentages, calculations, and formulas.
Photos: iStock – gilaxia / Aynur_sib
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