Importance of Attitude
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
The attitude shows the way in which a person faces the life or is faced with a specific situation. The attitude shows the true fortress of a human being that can be overcome through their attitude in the face of an adverse circumstance, as well shown by the cases of people that grow in the face of a difficult situation, for example, in the face of the death of a loved one.
This example serves to show that the happiness does not depend on external circumstances but on the internal attitude because while external facts do not they depend one hundred percent on you, on the contrary, the attitude you adopt towards life does depend solely on you. You have a hundred percent influence in this area.
The attitude you work consciously through a personal decision. In this sense, you have two options.
Having a pessimistic, defeatist and failure attitude which inevitably leads you to negative thinking, pain and suffering. Or, on the contrary, you can adopt a positive, happy, enthusiastic and energetic attitude, which leads you to illusion, connection with the present, happiness and success.
In the society Currently, there is a great demand on the part of the readers towards the self help books that offer a message of hope and help on the art of living better. When human beings are unhappy, in a very high percentage of cases, this unhappiness is caused by the attitude they adopt towards life. Arrogant people suffer because they consider themselves the center of the world and place themselves in a role of superiority. Greedy people suffer because they feel they don't have enough to be happy.
Envious people are saddened by the good of others. Impatient people do not know how to wait for things to take their course. The spiteful people have a hard time reconciling with someone after an argument.
Attitude is eighty percent of the success of a Happy life. To improve your attitude towards life, first of all, you have to identify what your virtues are and also what your defects are to can correct them and grow as a person. You can also emulate the way of being of a person whom you admire for their qualities. At the coaching level, remember that you can become the best version of yourself.
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