Importance of the Mountains
Miscellanea / / August 08, 2023
Title of Professor of Biology
Regardless of their origins, the value of the mountains goes beyond the visual pleasure they give us. it produces contemplating them from a distance, or of the peace and joy that they offer us when we are before they. The mountains authentically guide all dynamics of the cycles and the behavior of the climate in every corner of the earth. From the springs in the mountains the water gushes pure and crystal clear that later flows through the rivers, but they are also in charge of collect and channel rainwater through them, distributing them thanks to their inclinations, towards the valleys and plains extended at their feet, or back to the sea in many cases, thus giving continuity to the vital cycle of water. Obviously, all this great availability of water in the mountains has been one of the main reasons why there is greater biodiversity in these areas than in any other typology land.
The geographical aspects of the planet have their own diversity and contribution according to the characteristics they possess. The fact that a certain region is flat or has elevations directly influences all the
environmental dynamics of the entire planet, as well as the fact that we can count on different altitudes and not all of the earth is flat at sea level, has generated the great variety of climates and environmental conditions which in turn allowed the development of the vast existing biodiversity.Within the range of typologies of our terrestrial geography, we find one of the most various existing ones, to the point that one cannot be found identical to the other, although at first glance they can seem. As full of mysteries as they are of natural wealth, the mountains honor us with their magnificence, so it is time to discover the importance of mountains, from each of the small ones to the biggest things that happen on it planet.
Mountains are present in all regions and continents, this phenomenon is due to the fact that the vast majority of them were produced as a consequence of the tectonic plate upheaval as they have collided with each other. On the other hand, in almost all the coasts there are mountains of greater or lesser size, as part of the limit between the sea and the earth, this phenomenon having various origins such as the one mentioned above in some of the cases, while in others it can be by sediment accumulations in an area that was previously part of the seabed, gigantic coral formations also covered with sediments that were left exposed, or by an uplift of the soil layers, product of a volcanic activity.
From heaven to earth
The importance of mountains at the climatic level is undeniable. They literally direct the courses of the winds. The variation in the direction of the wind is due to the possibility that it has to move. From a light breeze to the most hurricane-force air mass, it is conditioned by the passage that the mountains allow it, in this sense, these natural walls They protect the living beings that live in their vicinity from the inclement winds, which without the presence of the mountains, could well follow a almost completely linear and restless trajectory around the earth, another point in favor of the fact that most species have sought refuge among its folds.
Routes, caves and species
Mountains not only vary in their exterior, but also have an unlimited possibility of conformations, designs, and dimensions, both in their surface and in their depth. interior, opening up a vast world of innumerable gaps and hiding places that go from short grottoes to kilometer-long underground caves, which also offer home to so many species, that not all of them have yet been discovered and studied, while the importance of mountains has also played a transcendental role in the preservation of thousands of species, of suffering the consequences of the damages and impacts that humans have caused.
And speaking of humans, already in an aspect more directed towards our peculiar way of life, the importance of mountains in our development has been as vital as technological, since resources have been obtained from them - especially minerals - with much less effort than is required in the compact soils of the plains, providing us from the substances that make up the concrete with which we build, even the pomegranate stone with which we file the calluses on our feet, without forgetting the fact that also for In ours, the refreshing mountain climate becomes so welcoming that most cities have been built under the comforting protection of its slopes, however, this Quality of life also has its price, since the inclinations of the mountain slopes direct avalanches and sediment collapses on many occasions, especially in the prolonged periods of rain, which in turn become a source of danger on a large scale for everyone nearby, hence if you want to live in the surroundings of a mountain, it is more than necessary to first seek advice from the expert guidance of geologists and topographers, with their due evaluation of potential risks of the area.
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